View Full Version : Intermittently losing signal

04-02-2007, 12:29 PM
Strange problem here.

May have something to do with the high winds recently , not too sure.

Sometimes when changing channel the box loses its lock on a sat. Signal is still coming through but reduced, and BER shoots through the roof.

A reboot of the box sorts it all out.

Any ideas as it is wuite annoying.


04-02-2007, 01:42 PM
Could it be the memory as the 500s is a bit short on memory and it may be getting full,try to Delete stuff that you don't need also one or two owners are using a 2 amp 12 volt power supply instead of the 1 amp that came with it.

14-02-2007, 11:11 AM

i have the minimum of stuff in memory and var is sitting at 60%.

If when is loses the signal i undo the f connector from the tuner and put back in all comes back.

All was working fine until recently.

Is this still a sign of power supply ?


19-02-2007, 12:56 PM
I seem to have found the problem.

After remaking all connections and still having the problem i worked back through all the changes i have recently made.

One was the upgrading to CCam 1.6.0. I went back to 1.3.0 and problems seems to be gone.

One of the signs was going into sleep mode and coming back out caused the loss of the lock. Now back with 1.3.0 all is fine.

Anyone else have this problem (db500 with Gemini image).
