View Full Version : HELP-I can,t upload sw to 5400

05-02-2007, 10:48 AM
I have not used my 5400 for about 6 months ,as I had moved house.Now ,for some reason I cannot communicate with it through the serial port.
I have tried uploading new patches and new settings etc,using lots of different loader programs,but the hummy just comes on as normal.
The loader appears to be correct for my model :
HW Version OAK 1&11 2.1
SW Version HIC 1.05.00+
Device Driver Ver HIC 1.05.00+
SW last update 4 MARCH 2002
Loader Version L1.37
System ID 0016.0000

The patch on it at the moment is +Cam TOH 3.3
I have checked the null-modem cable,and the com port is set correctly.Any help gratefully recieved

05-02-2007, 12:57 PM
Thanks Marco,for your pm.I had another look at the null modem cable ,and managed to sort out the problem.
I have managed to load all the new software,now all I need to do is find which program to use to upload the tps daily file.I,m sure a search will put me on the right track.
Thanks again for your help.:)

05-02-2007, 01:04 PM
uploading the daily tps patch is done with the same tool you use to upload your hot files.

08-02-2007, 03:47 PM
WDN4OAK + will do the job M8.