View Full Version : Uk Maps

06-02-2007, 07:19 PM
Hi wonder if someone could please tell me if there is any more up to date uk maps for my tom tom 500 had it maybe two years now,we both seem to get confused when there is a new road layout.
Thanks you for any reply moss

15-02-2007, 10:50 AM
yes my freind there are new and up to date maps available if you wanna by them use pc world and if you like to get them free pm me privatly and i will help you

16-02-2007, 04:55 PM
Hi wonder if someone could please tell me if there is any more up to date uk maps for my tom tom 500 had it maybe two years now,we both seem to get confused when there is a new road layout.
Thanks you for any reply moss

Don't expect everything to be up to date on the latest map! A hospital near me shut 3 years ago and is now houses and appartments. It still shows up as a hospital on the map. Only had it a few day's so not tested some other out of date stuff yet, (like the road layout at the end of the motorway at Bradford, etc, etc) I read on another forum that loads of folks were cheesed off that the new maps still have loads of out of date stuff on, and were cancelling their orders. TBH we know the things not perfect, but on the whole it's a pretty good tool. A visit to the Den would be useful to you ;)

17-02-2007, 11:08 AM
Thanks for replys,sat navs do some strange things sometimes,by no means perfect but put in a post code and it will take you to the front door hundreds of miles away i think they are brilliant,i know everyone knows this but it still
impresses me every time i use it.
regards moss:D