View Full Version : LCD or Plasma ???

07-02-2007, 11:40 AM
Don't know much about this stuff, but I want at least a 50" beast.
Plasma or LCD ?? it's all beyond me, but it will be wall mounted.
Your advice & imput would be very welcome.

07-02-2007, 12:37 PM
anything above 32 in would be best to go for plasma
as lcd are optimized for best performance at 32in

07-02-2007, 02:11 PM
Probably still plasma at 50" however lcd is catching up fast...

I've got a Philips 42PF7621D/10 black levels are great and the picture quality is stunning it shows up the flaws in ****ogue signals but really shines with digital input, works great as a monitor :D


10-02-2007, 11:21 PM
Hi guys,

ive got a 50" panasonic plasma, and a 32" lcd goodmans,

both proform fantastic!!
i would advice a branded plasma.

this is were i got my plasma free 5 years warrenty.


10-02-2007, 11:52 PM
Hi guys,

this is were i got my plasma free 5 years warrenty.

Please amend your link = Live links are against the rules

11-02-2007, 12:42 AM
this will put you off panasonic ,:D


14-02-2007, 10:47 PM
Plasmas are still the best espeacialy when the lights are turned down.

15-02-2007, 05:29 PM
Hi Terry,

Its down to what picture YOU think is the best when out browsing.
I would not bother with choosing from Plasma or LCD.
I would look at Screen Resolution and Contrast rates.

To view what is called Full HD you need a pannel with a
resolution of 1920x1080.
That will receive the 1080p signal when thay do sart transmmiting
it over the air, it will also play the new (Bluray HD DVD disks) in 1080p.

At the moment most Euro Broadcasters transmit 1080i. S*Y to.
The Resolution of 1080i is 1920x1080.
All that means is your pannel will displaly the picture without any scaling.
If the TV Pannel has to scale there is a loss of quality.

Look at who sells the most in the world, till last week that was SAMSUNG,
the latest have 5000 contrast Rates.
Thay were piped by SONY.


17-02-2007, 10:16 PM
could it be 'coz I bought me an LG 37" best buy model
and for sure I have to defend my "colors" ;)

My vote goes for LCD_TV

plazmas are too expensive ...

17-02-2007, 10:27 PM
guys, make sure u get at lease 5 years warrenty if possible,cos they pack up after 3-5 years. my fu****u pdf4222-es packed up after 3 years:-(

18-02-2007, 10:33 PM
Plasma suffer from three problems
2:screen burn
3:lower native resolution than lcd

On the plus side they do have higher contrast ratios than lcd tv,s

19-02-2007, 10:57 PM
Thanks guys.

15-04-2007, 12:23 PM
I have had both 42" Plasma and LCD.
The LCD was a Sharp full HD 1920 x 1080
The Plasma Panasonic 1024 x 768

The LCD like all LCDs in comparison to Plasmas suffered from
poor blacks
poor contrast
motion smearing and to a lesser extent,
vertical banding

The Plasma
Can suffer from image retention although I have never experienced it.
Superb blacks
Superb contrast
More vivid colours

In my opinion a good Plasma absolutely destroys a good LCD

21-04-2007, 11:14 PM
Hi all,
I have both a Pioneeer 43" 434pde and a Samsung 40" leo40r73bdx,both brilliant screens,LCD'S can also suffer screen burn,the Pioneer is now 4 years old and cost an arm and a leg at the time £4500! and the Samsung is 1 month old ,paid £719!!!,both look good but i think the Pioneer still edges it!
Regards Nibber. :)

16-05-2007, 04:53 PM
I have a LG Full LCD 42" is working like a charm, it's better than any Plasma, you just have to comparate price between them;)

29-05-2007, 08:32 PM
I have a pansonic plasma 42 1080hd and it walks over LCD that has edge flaring with movement sorry m8's but plasma is the biz at mo

29-05-2007, 08:56 PM

29-05-2007, 10:05 PM
I have just asked the same question to a tech. guy in my local tv shop and his reply was:-

If you are going to feed it with an analogue or normal digital feed then plasma is better.

If you are going to feed it with an HD feed then LCD is better.

Hope that helps.


29-05-2007, 11:50 PM
i looked and looked and looked and still do, plasma any day, :)

30-05-2007, 01:39 AM
50" lg plasma fantastic picture.never seen better picture.

31-05-2007, 09:52 AM
50" lg plasma fantastic picture.never seen better picture.
Got the same one ...no probs very good picture !:cool:

31-05-2007, 07:48 PM
I have heard one annoying feature in plasmas; they create high frequncy noice. Two of my friends had to return their palsmas due noise was way too loud and service guy claimed that noise is normal. I wonder was those two just "monday" units or is plasma really so noisy in general?

31-05-2007, 08:18 PM
if you tilt towards LCD then take a look at the samsung M or F series, they are quality screens, both got excellent in the reviews!
good luck whatever you decided

31-05-2007, 08:44 PM
I have heard one annoying feature in plasmas; they create high frequncy noice. Two of my friends had to return their palsmas due noise was way too loud and service guy claimed that noise is normal. I wonder was those two just "monday" units or is plasma really so noisy in general?

can hear a noise on mine only if volume complettly off,but they do have cooling fans in them.

31-05-2007, 09:58 PM
if you tilt towards LCD then take a look at the samsung M or F series, they are quality screens, both got excellent in the reviews!
good luck whatever you decided

Steer clear of the Samsung M series, if you read the AV forums. The built in Freeview has a judder that makes it unwatchable. A lot of complaints about this on the AV forum. Its also something Samsung know about but have yet to issue a solution. As regards to Plasma, there is also the image burn problem if you play console or PC games. If you ask me buying a LCD/Plasma is like a lottery. Even top end Philips have had massive problems. The 37pf9731 has a backlight problem that if happens gives you stripes across the picture. The Sony 40w2000 has a clouding problem which can give patches on the screen where it should be black. These problems are well do***ented on the AV forums.

02-06-2007, 05:51 PM
My M series that i have had for two weeks now has no problems with freeview in fact i was very suprised by the picture quality, It could be that a good signal is req same as most pc cards. I would not take to much notice of some forum comments most are from people who have heard or read something but have no personal knoledge of the tv whatever the brand in question. Have a look at the ones you like read some professional reviews, then ask for comments on the forum of your choice from owners, you are more likely to get unbiased advise.

02-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Steer clear of the Samsung M series, if you read the AV forums. The built in Freeview has a judder that makes it unwatchable. A lot of complaints about this on the AV forum. Its also something Samsung know about but have yet to issue a solution

You are right, i also read AV forum but this problem seems to be effecting the minority whereas majority of the owners are happy with their purchase and the quality of the panels, like SDT.

BTW what is a 'judder'?:confused:

06-06-2007, 03:56 PM
I have heard one annoying feature in plasmas; they create high frequncy noice. Two of my friends had to return their palsmas due noise was way too loud and service guy claimed that noise is normal. I wonder was those two just "monday" units or is plasma really so noisy in general?

my samsung plasma makes some noise too, but the LCD doesnt, it's like a buzzing noise:rolleyes::rolleyes:

06-06-2007, 04:27 PM
i brought a projector. One of the best evestments I ever made. Barely use the tv now.

06-06-2007, 09:36 PM
I invested i a 40" Sony KDL-40W2000 LCD 1080P Panel. Built in freeview that doesn't pixelate when viewing. The real strength is when you feed it with an HD signal, 1080i satellite looks great BUT 1080P HD DVD looks Awesome. Vivid colours, high contrast, and no motion smear. At £1200 an absolute bargain.

13-06-2007, 02:11 PM
i brought a 32" HDREADY LCD tv with my Xbox 360 linked by component HD and its fantastic, i dont know much about plasma but you should have a look at this website its normally really good for prices.


13-06-2007, 06:37 PM
just bought my toshiba lcd 42" 1080 for £929m and another £20 for an extra 3 years warranty vert happy with it at a great price prolly saved my self 3-£400 on currys and comet prices.bought from empire direct fantastic

13-06-2007, 06:50 PM
I invested i a 40" Sony KDL-40W2000 LCD 1080P Panel. Built in freeview that doesn't pixelate when viewing. The real strength is when you feed it with an HD signal, 1080i satellite looks great BUT 1080P HD DVD looks Awesome. Vivid colours, high contrast, and no motion smear. At £1200 an absolute bargain.

What reciever have you got?

22-06-2007, 12:45 AM
I invested i a 40" Sony KDL-40W2000 LCD 1080P Panel. Built in freeview that doesn't pixelate when viewing. The real strength is when you feed it with an HD signal, 1080i satellite looks great BUT 1080P HD DVD looks Awesome. Vivid colours, high contrast, and no motion smear. At £1200 an absolute bargain.

I want one ...... What HD you tested it with Dirkus? £1200 seems a good price for a full HD - I want it now thou

22-06-2007, 10:39 AM
Samsung LEM86/87 range is also worth looking at. Have the 40i M86 and awesome picture at 1080p via VGA for XBOX (just need to make sure you get a new one with latest firmware, lots of problems with the first run from samsung, which have now been sorted)

22-06-2007, 10:56 AM
Just bought a 40" Sony KDL-40W2000 LCD 1080P for £1,098.00 inc VAT - just going pickl it up now.

22-06-2007, 09:56 PM
Sony KDL-40W2000 LCD 1080P

Great screen @1080 but need to change some settings:
Sony KDL40W2000 Settings

The following settings are optimized for HD broadcast and HD DVD performance via HDMI input. There are several reasons why they won’t work for you, as they can all affect `final’ picture quality.

1) Personal preference
2) Ambient light
3) Source material
4) Players
5) Intramodel variation

So here goes...

* Picture Mode Custom
* Backlight Min
* Contrast Max
* Brightness 42
* Colour 55-60
* Color Temperature Warm 2
* Sharpness 0
* Noise reduction Off
* Black corrector Off
* Advanced contrast enhancer Off
* Gamma (Low for daytime viewing, Off for night-time)
* Clear White Off
* Colourspace Normal
* MPEG noise reduction Off
* Power Saving Off
* Full pixel On

More info @
More settings here:

27-06-2007, 08:00 PM
Hi Terry,

If this were the USA LCD and Plasma would be old hat.
Launching 2nd part 2007 the new Mitsubishi Laser TV.

It has twice the clarity of LCD or Plasma screens.
3D-Like picture depth, no ghosting or smearing.
Higher colour, that is, the amount of Gamut the eye can take in.
The colour Gamut an LCD puts out to the eye is 50%.
The colour Gamut a Laser puts out to the eye is 90%.
30% cheaper to make than LCD or Plasma screens.
25% cheaper to run.
It comes in a 1920 x 1080 Flat screen Pannel.


27-06-2007, 11:49 PM
30% cheaper to make than LCD or Plasma screens.
25% cheaper to run.

means 90 % more pricey in uk,:D

keith mawer
29-06-2007, 08:15 PM
ok!!!! well having seem over 100 tvs!! noth plasma and lcd im just about to geta 52 ins samsung lcd.. its just the picture seems so much sharper....and i not that happy about glass screens now.

22-07-2007, 06:24 PM
Just got a samsung 42" plasma from this place


It boasts to playback in 1080i which should be good enough for what i need ,reason why i posted the link is the 5 year warranty ,cheapest price i could get was around £80 cheaper ,but wasnt free delivery ,and only had a 1 year warranty .

keith mawer
31-07-2007, 10:12 PM
sorry but im thinking of a 52 "lcd samsung .. am i making the right choice????

31-07-2007, 10:28 PM
I have been reading that we should not buy any HDTV's at the moment as they are not fully compatible with HD-DVD or Blu-Ray.

It's because HD DVD plays at 24fps and current TV's are 50Hz or 60Hz, and as 24 does not divide into 50 or 60 the picture will appear juddery.

Normal DVD's play at 25fps and divide perfectly into 50Hz.

Pioneer, Sony and Toshiba will be the first to bring out new models to solve the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray problem.

Sony calls them 24p True Cinema, so maybe worth looking out for the new models. :)

31-07-2007, 11:58 PM
you make a good point but lots of people dont have a notion of getting a HD DVD player and non HD Dvd's will look ok. By having 2 formats manafacturers have shot themselves in the foot again as I can rmmeber BEtamax and VHS loads of people waited and waited until one format was agreed. We all know betamax was best but marketing won out.

Me I am waiting and at the moment I think a PS3 is the best option whihc means blu ray and that signals a winner to me.


keith mawer
04-08-2007, 06:59 PM
just about to get a samsung52 lcd then i read about juddering on fast movements!!!! would this effect footie!! has anyone a lcd ????????

05-08-2007, 12:22 AM
One of the TVs from Sony which xanadu mentions is the Sony Bravia KDL40D3000. Spec mentions this ....

24p True Cinema technology ensures that when the D3000 is connected to a movie source e.g. a Blu-Ray disc player, it displays the original 24 frames per second just as the camera first recorded them. So you see and hear exactly what was intended. You’ll enjoy a visibly superior picture thanks to Motionflow + 100Hz. This technology adds extra frames to the picture, resulting in far smoother and realistic images. The D3000 also offers an incredible 1024 shades of gradation. This breathes life into everything from skin tones to sunsets, and once again ensures that what you see is as close to the original as possible.

I was interested but I was put off by a very simple thing ... it doesn't swivel and I need that when it's on my Sony D800 surround cabinet.

Anyway I went for the KDL40W2000 instead.

06-08-2007, 11:59 PM
Got the Samsung 52" 1080p LCD.
Lovely bit of kit.
The footie is sweet.I get no judder. I have the sound via the optical link into my Panasonic 5.1 Dolby and the sound is banging.Got my Xbox 360 and Wii plugged in.**** hot graphics.As you can see Ive got it wall mounted.Im just in the process of burying the cables in the wall so all you will see is the telly hanging there with no cables.£260 for a fully tiltable and swivel bracket.
Job done. Send me an Im with your addy and Ill send you the Pics.

07-08-2007, 12:04 AM
BIGTONE you have a very big one m8!

Must be awesome playin console games can only dream - fair play fella!

SOme good TV 1080 programs out of the torrents worth getting.

07-08-2007, 12:36 AM
waiting for the DM8000 then Ill really have my pants on the head mode.......:D

07-08-2007, 02:10 AM
This is slightly off topic ,but its regarding the cables on wall mounted 'black' plasma's ,i recently mounted mine on a swivel mount ,so it sits angular in the corner ... i was at a loss as to what to do with the cables ,but i came up with a solution which costs £2 and is very effective ,simply get some black deepflow gutter ,and cut it so its above the base of the tv ,and below the top of the stand ,attach a slim piece of wood from the floor to the tv stand ,and simply attach the gutter to it (curve outwards) ,it simply looks like its part of a designer stand .When i get time i will post up a picture of mine .

07-08-2007, 12:03 PM
Heres the spec for mine if anybodys interested..........

Gloss black designer styling with Samsung's famous quality finish with 'hidden' speakers for an altogether classic look
HD Ready
HDMI version 1.2 support
52 inch widescreen format
Screen resolution 1920 x 1080
Built in Freeview Tuner using MHEG format
15,000:1 Dynamic picture contrast
1500 cd/m2 brightness
175 x 175 degrees distortion free picture viewing angle
Filter Bright technology
Samsung's unique DNIe technology Digital Natural Image Engine
16 bit signal processing
Movie Plus technology which enhances the video signal
3D Comb Filter
Digital noise reduction technology
Low noise amplifier
Grey lebel gradation 65,536
2 x 10 watts power output via full range speakers
Anti screen burn technology
SRS TruSurround XT sound effect
Mega Teletext
Picture in picture with PC input
Still picture mode
Gaming contrast mode
Plug and Play auto channel search
NTSC , PAL , SECAM compatible tuner
Sleep On/Off timer
Auto power off after 15 minutes of no signal
Multi language on screen displays
3 x HDMI connections (2 rear, 1 side)
Headphone jack
SVideo input
RF in
Component in
2 x scart connections
PC in DSub
Audio monitor out
Optical digital audio out
Product dimension on stand H759mm W1055mm D316mm Weight 33.2kg
Product dimensions without stand H700mm W1055mm D95mm Weight tbckg
Packaged dimensions H863mm W1055mm D410mm Weight 40.0kg
Compatible VESA wallmount 600 x 400 not included

10-08-2007, 12:08 AM
Some of the Samsungs have shiny rather than matt screens which I don't like. I could put up with their shiny frames as long as the screen is matt.

12-08-2007, 03:33 PM
http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7501/tvth2.th.jpg (http://img441.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tvth2.jpg)

This is my setup ,the black thing that connects the tv to the stand is black gutter