View Full Version : Multifeed settings

07-02-2007, 07:22 PM
Need help please: I just installed 4 fixed dishes with multiswitch and 4 quatros, LNB 1 Nile sat, LNB2 Astra1, LNB3 Hotbird and LNb4 Atmanticbird, I need the right channel settings and help hon to configure Antenna settings


07-02-2007, 08:39 PM
Using the remote:

MENU>Installation>Service Searching>Antenna Setting>:

The following screen must be set-up 4 times,one time for each LNB,separately.

Antenna Alternative:1,2,...,32.
Satellite Name:.......
LNB Frequency: Universal
22KHz Tone: Disabled
0/12Volt Switch: Disabled
DiSEqC Input: DiSEqC A,...,D.
Motorized System: Disabled.

Any question?

08-02-2007, 12:52 PM
Thank you for your help, I will try tonight and let you know

09-02-2007, 12:00 PM
Hi sat_rrstm,

as I just moved in after one year of building works, I first updated the receiver with HOT 7.9 after that loaded new sttings which turned out to be a bad file, could you please tell me which settings file would be the right ones to use as you know my configuration, 1-Nilesat 2-Astra1 3-Hotbird 4-Atlantic bird 3

Thank you

09-02-2007, 04:14 PM
The matter of channel settings file is a sensitive one,I wouldn't like to
underrate any settings-guy,like Cyrus,pet123,Satan,danger35,Giopp yGioTeam,etc.
They all have different LNB settings,I have no problem with anyone's antenna
configurations.I keep my own config's by changing theirs,according to mine.

You can do the same.After you open a settings file with HNFSmart you can click on''Tools'' button,then on ''Sort LNB'' and there you can move every satellite (of totally 32) in every position you want from nr 1 to nr 32.After this you can click on ''Antenna'' button and adjust your 4 LNB's DiSEqC parameters,setting to 0 value all the rest 28 ones.


12-02-2007, 11:31 AM
Thank you so much for your help and support it is working fine now, however I updated the receiver with latest bin file and unfortunately it does not clear. In fact I used key.bin HOT 7.9 by KM dated february the 9th.
Any input from your end to clear this please?
Cheers m8!

12-02-2007, 12:03 PM
When you download a ch-list using HNFSmart if you pick ''PC---->Humax'' instead of ''PC---->Humax(NO CONFIG),which I don't recomment,then you must send again your PMCTable and the key-bin and adjust all ToH Config in your menu as followed:


Macro mode on Startup ON
Macro mode control button TV/SAT
Symbolize +CAM activity ON
Display CI window OFF
AC-3 burst initialisation OFF
Check time on first channels ALL
Start on first channel OFF
Global auto video pid ON
Close channel list with OK button ON
Send DISEqC twice for cascade ON
Card Blocker OFF
Sharing Protocol Mode HSIC

Maybe thi is the reason you don't have a key-bin working.

I have to run to my work,I'll be back after 20:00 pm GMT.

12-02-2007, 02:16 PM
Thanks again, I will be trying this over the week end as I'm traveling for the mement and come back to you, any particular PMCtable you recomend?

12-02-2007, 09:28 PM
You can find in here the latest Xamuh PMCT up in the stickies.

13-02-2007, 09:42 AM
Could Any body tell me, How to install Multi feed on 10ft dish anteena, Is there any software or forumla to calcullate the arc.

20-02-2007, 01:44 PM
updated the config in the TOH menus as you mentioned, also loaded the Xamuh PMC table using HDFSmart 1;6, then loaded Key.bin Hot 8.0 KM.bin file and unfortunately it does not clear yet, I made sure to select Card+EMU and GMT +1 but still not working. I 'm not sure on the PMC table part As I'm using this for the first time. I did look in the demo kit provided by TNT but there is noting about PMC. Please help!!