View Full Version : How focus LNB?

09-02-2007, 09:29 PM
What is the best method to focus an LNB on a Chanel Master 1.2 offset dish?

I know it should be set by the LNB support arms but I would like to check and tune!



10-02-2007, 09:15 AM

This is one method, another one is using an good satellite ******** metre and do the adjustment that way.


10-02-2007, 10:54 AM
Thanks "cor" for that link, I have often wondered how that worked. I will have to try it sometime.
Cheers NW10

11-02-2007, 11:24 AM
Works for me m8, the only thing is you need an sunny day :D
Have some small broken mirror pieces here just for that cause.

Using an decent s a t meter you can watch the signal go up/down if you can move the lnbf forward/backwards in the holder.
For an 100&#37; allignment you need an s p e c t r u m ****iser and while watching the screen allign the lnbf for best signal and H/V separation.

Good luck m8,


11-02-2007, 04:56 PM
Thanks again >COR<, regretfull my Scientific American rectum paralizer died last year (Could not get bottles for it), so it went for scrap.
I'm quite happy with my set up, and the reception that I get. Just like to try out methods, ie play around, when I get the time and the weather improves.
Cheers & 73's

11-02-2007, 07:37 PM
Thanks m8,
Pity the a n a liser died.... if asked i could have looked around for some spare tubes..

Same here, love playing around with antenna's beeing H.F or up in the S.H.F range, the only important system fore an Ham ;)

Just restored my bend antennamast, 70/2 and 6 meters directional antenna's and 2/7 Diamond x 510N.

The FD-4 with added section for 160 m survived the force 12 gale.


16-02-2007, 08:53 PM
Cor thanks very much for the info!!



17-02-2007, 02:51 PM
hi , nice pictures showing mirrors for lnb allignment from cor , I just noticed that the lnb's have silver foil or cloth around them ,why ? just wondered

hxxp://perso.numericable.fr/~gjullien/mirrors/mirrors.htm thanks to cor for this

17-02-2007, 07:53 PM
In France the temperature is quite hot in Summer, when we were there in our hollidays you can get an air temperature of 35 to 42 degrees Celcius, combine that with the sunshine on the electronicspart of the lnbf and the inside of the electronics get very hot indeed.

This will make the lnbf unstable, and shortens lifespan, add noise to the signal etc.
The foil repels the sunrays an bit, keeping the lnbf cool.
