View Full Version : Laurel & Hardy: How's it look on HD screen?

11-02-2007, 01:47 PM
How do the old films come out when played on a HD screens, better or worse?

Just thinking that if they are worse, then it will be the end of Laurel & Hardy.

11-02-2007, 01:56 PM
all depends on the quality of the film as it degrades over time, L&H will be looking a bit worse for wear unless it gets an extensive restoration job. If its worn and full of dirt then HD will show it up. Stuff like the ****** of OZ will look stunning in HD though. Got to remember as a HD screen it 16:9 and lot of vintage material is 1:33.1 (4:3) you will get black bars down the side of ya screen which can be off putting

12-02-2007, 11:46 PM
3tv is right. Laurel and Hardy will only look grainy, if the film has deteriorated, but remember, they were recorded on film which has an infinately better resolution than any hd to start with. Non of that new fangled 1280x768 digital crap in those days my lad.