View Full Version : no emu on humax plz help

12-02-2007, 08:17 PM
Hi all. I have repaired the power supply on my dads humax 5400z cap c10 went down, It is now working sort off, I have just loaded all new settings on my own which work, but when I load identical settings to my dads I dont get the emu in the bar, I have reloaded settings several times now ie toh 8.0 xumah pmc table and keys by km, yes it is on card+emu, it works fine on fta.
thx Mk

12-02-2007, 08:21 PM
have you checked the card in the slot?

12-02-2007, 08:38 PM
Use the Empty Ram option on Dsr Emu then go to Parser >
Ram Editor on your humax and make sure its all 0 (zeros)

Then load the keybin and go to Ram Editor again and check
its loaded, its the only way to rule out keys as being the problem


12-02-2007, 08:47 PM
Thx I have now sorted it, because I was only checking on prem portal and none of the other scrambled channels, did not realise keys have changed as they were working when I did mine 10 mins before. all ok now thx