View Full Version : make my own hdmi cable

14-02-2007, 10:54 AM
Hi, I would like to make my own hdmi cable by cutting in half a 1 meter cable and joining it to a longer length. Can anyon tell me the type of cable I need to get to do this please. I know this may sound pretty mean but the distance is 23 meteres and I will have to make two leads and put a booster in the middle as maximum lengths for hdmi cables are 15 m. If I buy ready made cables plus booster it looks like £120+. THANKS

14-02-2007, 10:58 AM
i dont think you can go more than 15/20m without getting too much voltage drop and loss in signal
so you would have to go with a 15m and a 10m with a booster

14-02-2007, 11:02 AM
Thanks for your reply but I realise I will have to put a booster in (thats whats pumping up the cost even more) but its the type of cable I really need to know. thanks again

14-02-2007, 11:15 AM
to be honest the cable would be quite expensive as its a 19 core scrren cable (tipicly twin screen), the better the screen and wider diamater internal cores the better, i would expect you would have to pay at least £2 per meter at least

depending on how much you want to splice in it may be cheaper to buy a ready made cable and cut the plugs off

14-02-2007, 11:23 AM
Thanks again for the info, seems a bit of a no win situation unless one of my mates can "find" some at work. At least I know what cable it is now ...many thanks mate.