View Full Version : vn keeps rebooting????

16-02-2007, 07:44 PM


I just have m VN rebooting

I do not know wht to do
I put on FTA chanell no network usage but still keeps rebooting. First picture gets freezed and then boot andagin .It happend before from timetotime but now constantly

Should I turn it off?
I didnt turn it off from for three days ?
Ca it be onlike so long?

Please post your comments



I just have m VN rebooting

I do not know wht to do
I put on FTA chanell no network usage but still keeps rebooting. First picture gets freezed and then boot andagin .It happend before from timetotime but now constantly

Should I turn it off?
I didnt turn it off from for three days ?
Ca it be onlike so long?

Please post your comments



I just have m VN rebooting

I do not know wht to do
I put on FTA chanell no network usage but still keeps rebooting. First picture gets freezed and then boot andagin .It happend before from timetotime but now constantly

Should I turn it off?
I didnt turn it off from for three days ?
Ca it be onlike so long?

Please post your comments

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S3rw3r: 33
Speed Stream (siemens) router ADSL 512 kbps
United Arab Emirates

16-02-2007, 08:05 PM
It sounds to me like you might have a power supply failure. My only suggestion is to try to load a different version of software using Vision Tools. Do a force update of software if necessary. I had this once before with s/w 1.71

If that does not fix the problem, if fear that a component has gone on the power supply.


16-02-2007, 08:35 PM
Thanks mate
Will try SW first

17-02-2007, 07:26 AM
But dr Paulos

What SW you recommand for me?

To have good serever connectionin UAE?

17-02-2007, 08:02 AM
Right now, you need to see if you can stop the receiver from rebooting, so the software is immaterial. If you try a couple of other versions and you can't fix the receiver, then there is no server to connect to.

The ones to try are 1.69, 1.70, or 2.01


17-02-2007, 08:34 AM
Thanks m8.It stoped rebootingaftercooling downwhole night
I must have been overheating

But I do not get 1fff nor 33ff

17-02-2007, 09:45 AM
They seem to be searching for others too.


17-02-2007, 09:43 PM

Aldough I am here for a whille I have to appologise to all of you
for wastening your time

I am previouse ss2 user... Firs time got a receiver inmy life...
So I just frogoten to set up my antena on disec 1.2 ( I live in building with common antennas ) and this was the resaon of rebooting

Just that receiver put normal antena at the start when you change servers

I tottally forgated to set up disec again

Oh what an amtherism from my side

17-02-2007, 09:52 PM
I am pleased you have fixed it :)
