View Full Version : Vantage X221S CI ( The Best )

18-02-2007, 10:15 AM
Hi guys

The new Vantage 2 Series is really great it seems to be a direct and better replacement for the old Humax 5400.
The support for this receiver is DAILY on " sat-uls " web site ( german ) but
the files in the upload area are changing daily.
There is currently a problem with D+ AU with the Vantage if your using
the softcam.key files. The one's to use are the 'sat-freak' softcam files.
D+ AU only works if you do a (Yellow button - Reset All keys) in the Key Files
area, but of course you loose all the other keys for the other providers.
Best to get the D+ AU from the reset keys, Make a note of the new key, then
reload the softcam.key file and edit the D+ key from your note.

I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

18-02-2007, 01:41 PM
whats the blind scan like on the vantage?

18-02-2007, 03:31 PM
blind scan works great.

Info _ Don't use Dragon Cam will
lock up receiver


18-02-2007, 04:04 PM
Not experienced any Lock-up problems with the dragon ( Pred 356 )
but then I'm not using it much because the Receiver is as good as if
not better than a Dragon cam on it's own. It certainly works faster than
having a Dragon or any other cam fitted.

For blind scan reports visit Dr Dish website or see his TV program and see
the whole blurb on the Vantage. Dr Dish recomends it. It does have the
fastest blind scan on the market according to Dr Dish.
I scanned Hotbird in only 25 minutes with a 1MHz frequency seperation
and it finds all the feeds and unlisted frequencies not shown on Lyngsat.

Use 4Mhz frequency seperation for standard scans and Hotbird takes about
10 minutes.

18-02-2007, 04:32 PM
i find this on anoter site

The Vantage is let down badly, by the limited number of
Keys one can enter, for example you can add extra
BISS Keys, but they will not work, the main Keys are
in fact implimented within the firmware.
You can of course edid most existing Keys, but not all.
Also the D+ a/u do not function.
The only way at the moment to get the most from the
Vantage is to add a cam, like the Diablo or Dragon.

18-02-2007, 05:01 PM
Just one little word on Dr.Dish tests, I enjoy watching Dr.Dish as much as the next guy but he/they do not really test products with a critical eye, remember, Dr.Dish thought that the Fortec Lifetime Ultra was a very good blindscanner...which is of course not the case. What I´m saying is, don´t blindly listen to Dr.Dish (regarding any receiver or gear), ask around for second opinions etc ;)


18-02-2007, 05:06 PM
I didn't "blindly scan" the receiver myself, infact when I saw his report and
I investigated it myself and was quite impressed, (as an ex-Force receiver owner
that was easily done ! )

As for the other questions about BISS keys and D+ AU these problems will
i'm sure be fixed just as they were with the old Humax 5400 and is still
on-going !

18-02-2007, 06:19 PM
Hi swansinger
I read the same post as you
have X221TS-CI. the receiver is unusable
with Dragon Cam I have two models and tried different soft
I can get Free-View on mine But no Teletext with it
I also watch Dr Dish his reviews are no better than Wat-Satellite
controlled by money
A question .Which lead do you use to connect to a computer to
upload software.


18-02-2007, 06:22 PM
I use ofical firmwre not patch and dragon okay, patch not good as no many BISS chanels open.
I get ttext okay, on dvd-t & dvb-s
nill modum cable to upload & d-load i use winup

18-02-2007, 07:37 PM
Hi swansinger
The software I'm using is( )
which software are you using


18-02-2007, 07:40 PM
i use firmware 00010030AOP

18-02-2007, 08:51 PM
hi guy,

i use the firmware
I will upload it here..

18-02-2007, 08:53 PM
Hi swansinger
many thanks for your replies
Tomorrow I will try and upload new
software and try it out
will then report back
all the best


18-02-2007, 10:01 PM
O boy here also that nonsens.

For Fedhunters it's a nightmerry nothin special bad menu and a lot of channels not found yes in slow motion 2 MHz scan or so but not is fastscan.

There is still 1 Machine for feedhunters MAXPlus or Clarktech .

Feedhunters doing it fast

19-02-2007, 07:54 PM

I cannot agree at all that Clarke Tech is the machine for Feedhunters.

did you ever compare it?

My Vantage finds approx 20% more than the clarke Tech. You have NSS7 ?

19-02-2007, 08:09 PM
Yes i have all from 68 E to 45 W.
And for feedhunting speed is importend he finds the feeds that the Fortec finds and also my tandberg,
For TV i do not now but feedhunting the clark-tech/maxplus2100 are far the best i have test here.

Soon i go test EMU-BOX and 3200 of Clark-tech for european dealer.

Alpha test dvbdream and Max-plus/clark-tech.

19-02-2007, 08:44 PM
I don´t agree with you.. anyway its your opinion..

21-02-2007, 05:11 PM
Hi again

Download the latest patch files from the download sites I gave you before,
---38A.. is the latest.

Connect to the pc via a null modem cable.

Switch the receiver OFF by the power on/off switch.

Use Winup25 ( from the download sites ) to upload the ---38A.. file to
the receiver.
When you select UPLOAD on the Winup25 program, switch the receiver
power switch to ON.

Wait while the receiver uploads the file and then Reboots.

Then it's done.

Also use Winup25 to upload the softcam.key files in the same way.

Use Channel Editor/Uploader to upload the Channel List again using the same
method as with Winup25.

To download the Channel list from receiver to pc go to the Software Upload
menu on the receiver and select Channel upload.
On the pc Channel Editor/uploader program select download to pc from receiver
and wait for the channel list to be written into the channel editor program.

And thats it !


21-02-2007, 05:55 PM
Just do a search of the satellite ( blind scan or automatic search )and there you are !

01-08-2008, 04:13 PM
What receiver best for digitalb in the Canry islands. Have Vantage X211s c1 as supplied.
which lnb needed. Have 1 metre dish

01-08-2008, 07:56 PM
Can somebody upload or make here some instructions how to update box, because on sat-ulc all is on German :(. I got Vantage X211S CI, and i want to patch it.

How to upload "Software into your Vantage"


1.Switch off the STB

2.Connect "null modem" cable

3.Bring up Winup Program

4.Click RS232 Configuration

5.Select right COM Port

6.set parameter

Bit/Set > 115200
Data bit > 8
Parity >no
Stop bit >1
Flow Control >no
7. Click OK

8.Click Upload to Receiver

9.Click ::: button to find the software

10.Select file type hdp or key in (dropdown list)

11. Open the software

12.Click Start

13.Switch on/off the back on STB --------wait until the STB rebooting.