View Full Version : Humax and graphics card - TV in

19-02-2007, 05:42 PM
Does anyone connect their Humax to their PC via the graphic card?

Whas is needed and on what media software does it use on the PC?

Can I log on to my PC remotely and watch the streaming media?

19-02-2007, 10:11 PM
i use the pc for the hummy when updating box etc . i find it better than the tv as the image is in front of me instead of messing around with the tele. But how i do it is by using and old ****ouge card with av in sockets (yellow,red ,white plugs)mines a fly dvbt-duo but any card with av sockets will do.
i like to use Descaler to view hummy but most capture software will do and a lot are free try :- h**p://www.videohelp.com/ , and click tools
connect cables to the hummy av out sockets and pc set software to composite and away you go .
some gfx cards come with a vidieo in socket like my asus 7800 gtx but you need vivo drivers to use it .

19-02-2007, 11:27 PM
same here as taffykid,i used to use an old wintv card ****ouge,was always handy for patching ect whilst viewing on PC if the TV was in use,**** picture but could be adjusted for better viewing and done the job.