View Full Version : humax 5400 and tps

25-02-2007, 11:55 AM
hi to all
i'm french and i've got some problems to watch tps with my humax 5400 and the last toh 8.0
i put the hdf file for tps ( card + emu or card + amu + s) ans nothing..."0500 audio non disponible ou crypté"
can you help me please
thanks a lot

25-02-2007, 01:06 PM
put the clock gmt + 1 hour
ie if its say 12 oclock put to 1 oclock

26-02-2007, 07:12 PM
thanks for your help but i 've already tried this without result
any ideas?
thanks shashou

26-02-2007, 08:14 PM
when i put card +s + emu "cam ca statut 32"??????
what'am i doing wrong?
thanks for your help

27-02-2007, 08:48 AM

Is the signal OK ? Are the free channels clear ?
the hdf you have to upload to your humax changes every day: be sure to have the good one! It should work. Card+emu is enough (s is for card sharing).

Good luck.

27-02-2007, 10:34 AM
more than likley if your in france you want your normal time set!
is france not always +1 gmt?

ps you should only need caid set to card+emu unless your card sharing as well!

27-02-2007, 12:44 PM
thanks for your help but i've got a god signal and clear channels i tried with gmt+1 and gmt 0 but no............................... results:frown:

27-02-2007, 12:51 PM
Are you using today's tps.bin (they are released daily)?

Have you checked to see that your TPS keys (non aes) are stored in your receiver? You can do this by going onto a TPS channel and then opening ram editor and seeing if the keys are not all 00000 under ident 007C00

Just to add. Make sure you wait for a channel to clear, around 20 seconds usually. Don't expect it to clear straight away

27-02-2007, 02:25 PM
ho!!!! when i'm going to ram editor then viacess all the key (for which provider) are 00000 and there is not a provider of tps

27-02-2007, 03:16 PM
make sure you have todays tps.hdf file,use hu.upload or hnf smart to input the file to the reciever,check the clock is on gmt+1 and make sure u have a card in the slot with a valid atr any pre-programed fun,silver or gold card will work then leave on a tps channel for at least 30 seconds and it should clear.

27-02-2007, 03:35 PM
ho!!!! when i'm going to ram editor then viacess all the key (for which provider) are 00000 and there is not a provider of tps

You have problems with DSR9500 tool,as I see,please go here :
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=61819 and follow the instuctions of post nr #5,and see if you can download properly the latest key-bin to your Hummy and check if you finally have keys in your Ram Editor.If you have,then download today's TPS.bin using HDFSmart to your Humax and tell us about the results.

27-02-2007, 04:25 PM
Hello, I have found a tool to convert tps.bin to tps.hdf
Humax_AES_v1 1.zip. tried and works fine. Somthimes you get bin earlier then hdf. google it. dainos

27-02-2007, 04:35 PM
Hello, I have found a tool to convert tps.bin to tps.hdf
Humax_AES_v1 1.zip. tried and works fine. Somthimes you get bin earlier then hdf. google it. dainos

There is a better tool called : tpsbinextractv1.3b!
You can run it every morning at 05:16 a.m. and it will download first tps.bin and convert it at once in TPS.hdf file,in a few seconds!!!
Go for it,I'm using it every day.

27-02-2007, 05:09 PM
ho!!!! when i'm going to ram editor then viacess all the key (for which provider) are 00000 and there is not a provider of tps

Doesn't work with out the keys :rolleyes:

99.9% of humax problems are down to people thinking they
have loaded the keys when in fact they haven't, covered this
months ago



27-02-2007, 09:59 PM
Hi All,

I have the same problem as you Shashou*****e.

As of today I cannot clear TPS. Been working fine so far with the daily updates. I also noticed that I cant clear premiere today and that also was working fine for quite a long time. FTAs ,however, are coming in just fine.

Now when I try to manually load the new D+ keys I do find Nagravision but does not show up as 4010 as it normally does. So I guess i have a screwed up config somewhere but cant figure out what.

If anyone has ideas I d be very grateful.



27-02-2007, 10:19 PM
Hi All,

I have the same problem as you Shashou*****e.

As of today I cannot clear TPS. Been working fine so far with the daily updates. I also noticed that I cant clear premiere today and that also was working fine for quite a long time. FTAs ,however, are coming in just fine.

Now when I try to manually load the new D+ keys I do find Nagravision but does not show up as 4010 as it normally does. So I guess i have a screwed up config somewhere but cant figure out what.

If anyone has ideas I d be very grateful.



Did you read the link I posted ?

EMPTY your RAM then check it and it will say Nagravision
FFFF and all keys will be Zeros, then load new keys and
check again and it will say Nagravision 4101 and the keys
will be there

If you empty your ram and you dont see FFFF then you know
its a communication problem between dsr and humax


27-02-2007, 10:49 PM
Thanks TNT . Followed your instructions and im back in business. Sorry for not reading carefully your earlier post....


27-02-2007, 10:52 PM
No problem glad you sorted it :)


01-03-2007, 01:15 PM
but i read all the post and my hummax doesn't work for tps...all the keys are 0000000 for all the provider for all encryption
when i load the key bin in dsr there's not a 007c00 provider for tps...
please...ibegin creasy.....soory for my poor english
again tahnks a lot

01-03-2007, 01:18 PM
are you also uploading the daily tps file? the one in firmware format

01-03-2007, 01:21 PM
the tps hdf files....yes with the last bin of this forum

01-03-2007, 01:33 PM
the latest bin will NOT contain the latest tps patch,
the tps patch will have the extention .hdf (same as hot firmware)
before loading erase the ram in your box load your normal key file load the tps patch then set your stb clock +1 gmt and caid on card+emu (orcard+emu+s if card sharing)
then everything should work ok

01-03-2007, 01:37 PM
what's a "normal key file"

01-03-2007, 01:54 PM
hang on i can see where your getting confused here.
there is a bin file for tps as well but you need to convert this to work with your humax, when finished the tps file should have a hdf file extention
then there is also a key file that is used for humax with .bin extention wich contains keys for providers such as cabo and d+ ect

01-03-2007, 02:13 PM
yes ok sorry for my mistake i ve got a humax key bin and the keyx are present ....i will try and i tell you what happens ...thanks thanks thanks

01-03-2007, 02:55 PM
zad iwill to kiss you ........
i loaded the wrong bin...i'm french and i don't understand all the thread....all is ok ...however i would like to know why i have to put car + emu+s.....?
with card + emu the picture is ok during 5 secondes

01-03-2007, 03:22 PM
dont know, you should be fine with ether but use what best for yourself!
glad your all sorted

01-03-2007, 04:03 PM
just a last question : card + emu picture during 5 sec.....card + emu + s picture during 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes ans sTopping.....i switch off the box and it works again ......it's normal?????

01-03-2007, 04:08 PM
when you have "s" enabled its looking for card sharing so in therory it should take longer for the emu to kick in.
personaly i use card+emu as i dont cardshare and i have no problems at all, if the key change happens just simply try going up one channel and back down, this is normaly enough to force the new key to load

01-03-2007, 04:17 PM
ok i will try it.....what's a card sharing...

01-03-2007, 04:19 PM
card sharing = using 1 legit sub card shared over the internet for more than 1 person to use

01-03-2007, 04:32 PM
a csat fr card off is a card sharing? I put in in a aston cam...ans i've got a dragon cam...
with card + emu the picture during 5 sec not more why????

01-03-2007, 04:44 PM
dont quite grasp what your saying there mate?

01-03-2007, 05:00 PM
i don't undersatnd what you've said "don't quite grasp what your saying there mate"

01-03-2007, 05:12 PM
a csat fr card off is a card sharing? I put in in a aston cam...ans i've got a dragon cam...
with card + emu the picture during 5 sec not more why????

i dont understand your question!

01-03-2007, 11:41 PM
i would like to know if a csat card off is a card sharing because i don't understand what'is a card sharing....
and i would like to know why picture stay 5 seconde with card + emu