View Full Version : help please

25-02-2007, 06:31 PM
I have all the latest patches...toh etc...but when i try to upload keys using dsr ed56, it dont work!! Yet when i re-upload latest toh then upload keys via dsr straight after, it works fine! Anyone else have the same problem? as its a pain in the ass to keep reinstalling toh everytime D+ change keys.

25-02-2007, 06:50 PM
put the D+ keys in with the remote control:)

25-02-2007, 08:24 PM
good answer thankyou but anybody have the same prob or know why????

25-02-2007, 08:36 PM
You just answered your own question..

Yet when i re-upload latest toh then upload keys via dsr straight after, it works fine!

So where's the problem? it seems that you uploaded the bin file ok

26-02-2007, 04:58 PM
The problem is...even though i have latest toh,for some reason when the new keys come out dsr will not empty ram or upload keys, but if i re-upload toh then use dsr to put keys in straight away..it works.

26-02-2007, 06:22 PM
Have you got the settings correct?

? > Settings > Humax Def
? > Settings > Comport > what ever your com port is
? > Settings > Firmware Check > off
? > Settings > Verify from box > on

To upload the bin file, the Humax must be ON. Load the bin file into DSR then click 'Write'
When its done, press the standby button on your Humax to save the keys.

...some people say it has to be on a FTA station but personally, I've never had trouble if even if its not

Also, never bother to empty the RAM first...I just write a new BIN file straight away

Hope this helps

26-02-2007, 08:58 PM
Help please lost all the scamble channel ,when I updated the tps files and the bins file ,does anybody know why ?

27-02-2007, 08:42 PM
thx aslat...but it only works straight after when i put latest toh on...the codes have now changed and dsr will not work anymore even though all settings are correct, i can manually put keys in...so for some reason there is a time glitch with either my hummy or dsrr prog.

28-02-2007, 08:38 AM
Dale, you could try and re-upload your channels. That will reset the RAM.

Then try and upload a BIN file as described above

Don't forget to set the CAID Pre-select to CARD+EMU coz uploading the channels resets it back to CARD only

28-02-2007, 01:39 PM
I have a humax 5400. I gave delete all files file, original firmware, toh 7.9, channel list, pmc table and key bin. However the FTA channels open but the coded channels did not. I chose a D+ channel and I go into the toh , palser , ram editor and found that it is not on Nagra, ID 4101 but on eg Viaccess. With the remote i push the yellow button and change to Nagra and i put the id 4101 and change the keys. But when i exit, it does not opened and when i went back in the ram editor I found that it again changed to Viaccess. The antenna settings are ok and the card+emu. Can someone explain how to fix this. Thanks.