View Full Version : no more scamble channel only free channel

26-02-2007, 09:04 PM
please help ,when I updated the tps files and the bins files I lost all the scamble channel ,not sure why ,does any body can help please.

27-02-2007, 12:20 AM
Hi wahsun. The only things from the top of my head at the moment are:

1.Making sure you loaded key.bin file NOT tps.bin file via key uploader (DSR 5600 or whatever you use)

2.Confirm that CAID Preset is set to CARD+EMU

If the above is correct, try to reload one of the latest HoT patches (7.9 or 8.0 the full 1Mb file if you can), then a current tps.hdf file and finally key.bin

Good luck
