View Full Version : HD Sat shopping list sanity check please

28-02-2007, 10:05 AM

First post on here - been out of the sat scene for about 10 years now, my last dabblings were back in the d2mac days! Trying to catch up and get familiar with the new terminology!

I'm looking for a setup to get a few HD channels - I might have gone to Sly, but I object to spending a fortune on their box, £10 for HD and as a final kick in the nuts - having to put a phone line into my lounge..... Anyway, I digress, this is what I've been looking at - comments welcome as I say, this is new territory for me....

Lemon 80cm Mesh Dish (do I need to go to 1m? live in the midlands)
Lemon Multi LNB bracket with 3 x .2 lnb's and 4 way diseqc switch
Diablo Light CAM and CAS3

Intending to use this for - 28e astra2 + 19e astra 1 + 13east hotbird

Would this work? Any probs?

Thanks in advance.

28-02-2007, 05:36 PM
Does the DS810XE have CI slots, on the Pace website there`s no mention of them, and if you open the Technical Specs PDF from the site it says "CI slots will be available" as if it`s something that`s planned for the future.
You should be fine with 80cm dish in the midlands, I get a good signal on the three sats you mentioned with 80cm in Merseyside, although that`s with a motorised setup, not multi LNBs. Not sure if 1m would be better if you`re planning 3 sats from the one dish with that amount of separation.

28-02-2007, 07:47 PM
The PACE does have CI slots, but apparently very picky about which cams it likes - Diablo Light is apparently one of a select few that work...

01-03-2007, 06:09 PM
dont get the pace as has problems with cams,check out users comments.

01-03-2007, 06:40 PM
Humax !

03-03-2007, 10:53 PM
The PACE is looking attractive as it's only £99 and doesn't the Humax have audio problems?

As long as there's a decent working CAM on the PACE, then that would be ok....

04-03-2007, 12:04 AM
My Humax has no audio problems

04-03-2007, 01:46 PM
try picking up 23.5 astra theres some high def channels on there that are open at the moment under the Kabel Deuthsland (spelling) package