View Full Version : Stab120, Problems with fine tuning...

06-03-2007, 09:19 AM
Hello mates,

I am running a Stab120 for ages now, with my Humax 5400 with all patches on, and I am very very stisfied with this device.
So I bought a second one, identical to the one I already own, for my parents in law in the Country side. I had no problems at all with catching everything from 45w to 45e, but the strange thing is:

When I want to "fine tune" a position in order toi store it, I used to push on the remote [arrow left] or [arrow right] and the motor just traveled 1/5 degree, so I knew, when I wanted to move 3 degrees, I had to push the arrow key in the desired direction 5*3=15 times, this way of positioning was very accurate.
But (there is always a f...g but) the new motor travels 4 degrees each time I push the arrow keys on the remote, as you can imagine, a fine tuning is nearly impossible.
Are there dferent versions? has someone expierenced the same?

Any Ideas to solve the problem?

THX all.

06-03-2007, 04:21 PM
To fine tune my set up in USALS I change the satellite position in increments of 0.1 degree until I am satisfied with the reception. ie for 7 west my best signal is 6.8 degrees west, for 26 east my best signal overall is 25.8 degrees east. This is for the weaker satellites as I find the nominal position for the strong ones gives good enough reception.