View Full Version : why should i bother

10-03-2007, 07:23 AM
this week i thought i was helping, tps goes of at 4.15 files
10 mins later back for the next day
i am trying to say, i put files for tps out every moring at 4.30

24.00 hours later 23 dowloads dose no one trust me !!!!

Not like the the days is it


10-03-2007, 08:23 AM
HI Marco ,
i am not sure i am the best person to answer this but i will expain my thoughts .
i totally trust you , you have done lots to help people !!
i dont download the TPS file every day because i dont have access to the laptop to upload to hummy and also dont have time to upload it every day .
23 people got to watch TPS because of your help , they are lucky that you took the time to do the file .
i am sure the other people here trust you and appreciate your time and effort , thanks :)

10-03-2007, 08:45 AM
I do not have a Humax but saw the thread header... 'why should I bother', started by yourself and thats why I read it!

Guess you bother because, like myself, you have the interest and resulting input here.

You have nothing to prove, your name and posts content qualify that.

'Not like the the days is it'...assume you meant...not like the OLD days, no its not and with the march of time and peoples ever growing buying/speed desire, doubt if you will see it as it was.

You know yourself and form opinions about folk and threads here and the poster above is correct:
'23 people got to watch TPS because of your help , they are lucky that you took the time to do the file .
i am sure the other people here trust you and appreciate your time and effort , thanks'

Thats why you bother....be it 23 or 23000 that have bettered from your input.

Thanks from US.

Marco...enjoy your weekend.

10-03-2007, 10:05 AM
i download your file mate but not every day, only if i fancy watching something on the tps package.

take it from me you are thanked for your hard work and input

10-03-2007, 10:54 AM
Hi, Marco, if i didn't have prem. or d+. i would down load your file,
thing is i being a thicko i have probs as my humax is a bit temperamental
so it isn't worth my while as my computer is in another room and i don't always get it first time, if we ever get a file that lasts a week, or if the others go down then i would be thankful that you take the time to put the files on the board...
so for all the guys that have used your files i say thank you. keep up the good work...:) :)

hail hail :cool: :cool:

10-03-2007, 01:21 PM
same marco. we all appreciate the work all the file guys put in. with daily changes,like others, i only use if i want to watch something . ie football is on digitalb and d+. most multivision films are old ( or french).

10-03-2007, 02:24 PM
I really appreciate your work,
but I guess I`m just too lazy to load the file for TPS every day with so many
others open. (got my Premiere D+ Cabo...)

As I do not speak french I think this package is not very useful for me anyway.

I don´t know how many french people are there on this board.


10-03-2007, 06:51 PM
soon it will be 24. I have not been upduting my hummy for some time now as i got tiered of all the changes that where going on to get TPS. However, after reading this thread i understand that it is peaple laike you that make it possible for people like me to have the choice. For this i thank you and believe me, your efforts and hard work is appreciated.



11-03-2007, 08:24 AM

Nothing to do with trust mate..

I don't use TPS HDF files coz strangely, I've never managed to get it to work anyway..and yes, I've tried absolutely everything but I'm not bothered coz I get TPS another way ;)

Apart from the HDF files, you've helped loads of people out..including me.

11-03-2007, 05:43 PM
I download your file too mate......and trust you completely ;)

Keep up the good work

11-03-2007, 06:30 PM
just used your d+ and cabo's thanks again mate.

11-03-2007, 06:52 PM
@ marco your help is much appreciated here m8,please keep it coming:)

11-03-2007, 10:19 PM
me 2 keep it coming thanks

11-03-2007, 11:21 PM
me 2 thanks my friend :D

12-03-2007, 09:42 AM
Although I don't download your file everyday, I certainly appreciate your effort and thank you for this valuable contribution. Keep it up!

12-03-2007, 11:45 PM
I would download your file if I knew where you posted it .I cant find it in the files section.The program I used to auto download the file recently stopped working ,and it took me ages to find a reliable source.If you could point me in the right direction to find your file I promise to download it every day.Thanks for all your work here Marco.

14-03-2007, 12:33 AM
I must admit I don't bother with TPS that much mainly because I am busy elsewhere. Also I have someone who loves the old movies on TMC Classico and so its hard to turn this channel off :redface:

I really appreciate the help you have given me over the past few months, without it I would get nothing as I am a very slow learner and your patience has been amazing considering the number of errors I have made. Your work and friendship is appreciated and I hope the messages here show you how much many people value your contributions. Many thanks Marco.