View Full Version : i need help

10-03-2007, 09:45 AM
i need help setting my motorised settings on my hummy
i have been using an echostar box to turn my dish
but we are using too musc elecy so cutting down on everything
so i now need to know how to set the motorised settiings on the hummy
when it is set to astra using the echostar and i then enable the motor on the hummy taking the echostar out of the picture the dish goes to sirius how do i set positions on the hummy

voith driver
10-03-2007, 06:07 PM
hi umgum,
first off, what type of motor/jack have you got, if the echostar is talking to a 36v jack, then no go without a v box, but if your motor is a diqesc 1.2 motor then all will work straight out the back of the humax, and all you will need to do is to load the modified pet123 and maybe re tune the sats

thats just a brief review

10-03-2007, 08:53 PM
it`s a stab 120 diseq h2h mount
i have it set up on astra with the echostar when i put the hummy on it went straight sirius and said it was moving to astra

voith driver
11-03-2007, 09:04 PM
hi umgum,
it sounds like the sat settings are way out, not sure where you are, but if you use the pet123 modified settings these are ok for anywhere, but they are optimised for the area using thor as your due south bird.

so for example, i would put the lnb lead directly into the back of humax, load the modified channel settings using hnfsmart, then
(and this is best done when you have time to play)

service searching
manual search
antenna alternative
diqesc command mode change to installer using the left right buttons
motor control change to reset
a warning will show press ok again
once this is done go
diqesc command mode change back to user
exit out

this has reset your preset sat settings list to the original listed positions

now the fun has started

you will now hopefully have most of your sats in the correct positions and it will be a case of fine tuning all the sats in, some will need nothing doing to them but there will bound to be some tweaks.

however if your due south bird is not thor, then you will have a slightly more difficult job, it all depends on which bird you are using, as to how much it will be out, but you will be able to work out which direction to go.

i do have a crib sheet on a easy way to find each sat, but again it depends on where you start on how easy it works out

hope this helps

12-03-2007, 11:10 AM
ok cheers
i am in warrington n/west
and my dish is on a patio mount

voith driver
12-03-2007, 07:07 PM
hi umgum,
i see you are at 2.59w so as thor is 1w then it should not be too much of a problem to fine tune everything, and with a patio mount you have the best of both worlds, cos you can fine tune the dish as well if need be.

24-03-2007, 11:12 AM
ok loaded the latest pet settings
now when i select a channel ijust says movin motor gives the sat name
and the dish moves but the moving motor stays on screen and i get no picture
in the menu-installation-service searching-antenna search-
the diseqc input is disabled and the motorised system is enabled is this correct
and also how do i fine tune a sat

voith driver
24-03-2007, 04:09 PM
hi umgum,
i have,funnily enough just written this for a member in satdudes, now in your case it will be a case of finding a sat to start with, i would suggest thor as usual, providing you have done the reset routine, or anyway redo it,

first load (again i am assuming you have a diqesc 1.2 mount) the modified pet123 for mounts posted in the stickies above.

then press ok,yellow,yellow, or until you are in the left panel,

choose thor 1W

press ok, choose a channel (i normally use the first channel)

then go
menu,installation,service searching, manual search,click ok on antenna alternative(should be reading 7 thor)
this has brought you to satellite setting
check that diqesc commande mode is user, then
go to movement, and i would suggest that you click left upto about 30 clicks this roughly translates to 6 deg, if you have not got a signal on the lower bar by then try it the other way, but i expect you will get a good signal within about 10/15 clicks

fine tune until its at its peak, then
motor control change to store, press ok
exit out, check for a picture, you should be watching bbc world, then its just a case of below, working out one by one Easterly first then back to thor, and then work out westerly.

hi blackie,
sorry that did not work, i am assuming that you can get sirius as it can be awkward to get, or have had it in the past that is.

ok, well, this method will work for any of the sats you can not find, as long as you use the nearest sat that you already have tuned in.

we will assume for this exercise that the nearest sat that you have for certain is thor.

first load (again i am assuming you have a diqesc 1.2 mount) the modified pet123 for mounts posted in the stickies above.

then press ok,yellow,yellow, or until you are in the left panel,

choose sirius

press ok, choose a channel (i normally use the first,sirius channel)

then go
menu,installation,service searching, manual search,click on antenna
alternative(should be reading 6 sirius)

orbitalposition (should be reading sirius 5 E) using the left/right change to intel707 1W (which is thor)

goto motor control, change to goto, press ok (this has now moved the sat to a known position)

go back to orbitalposition and change back to sirius 5E

check that diqesc commande mode shows user

go to movement and using the left button, step until you see a signal, if you have a diqesc 1.2 mount this should be approx 25/30 steps

motor control using the left/right change to store, press ok (it will change back to search)

exit out, you now should be watching tv

however, you may still notice if you go to manual search that you will still show hotbird there with hustler, for example, i have just done this while writing it, and providing you tune into a channel and store it correctly, you will always come back to that sat when you select a channel, but if you need to retune, use the original channel you used to tune on.

i believe that it has something to do with signal strength as to if you show the correct sat in manual search

hope this helps

oh by the way, to answer your question, providing you use the modified pet123, it is already setup correctly regarding motorised enabled etc

oh another thing, all the above will only work if your dish is connected directly to the humax, and not through the echostar

25-03-2007, 08:06 AM
cheers will try
the echostar is not connected anymore

08-04-2007, 06:33 PM
now doing my head in
i have done as you said and won`t hold sats gonna have another go from scratch

08-04-2007, 07:48 PM
ok here is what i have
installed hot 8.0 and latest pet settings
clicked on thor and choose bbc world works finebut when i set to goto 30 west dish doesn`t move i have to do it maually
moved to hotbird from 30 west ok but not from hotbird to astra had to readjust was way out
now going from astra or any other sat to sirius(kingston) i get motor moving to sirius and nothing when igo to menu-installationservice searching-manual searching-dive antenna alternative as hotbird
should this not be sirius

08-04-2007, 07:54 PM
so i changed it to sirius and then tuned hustler in and selected store then exited out and then it says moving to sirius and nothing

i know it`s on sirius cos when i search it comes up with the channels from sirius but as soon as i exit out evne afetr pressing store it just f£$%s off somewhere else saying moving to sirius

08-04-2007, 08:20 PM
ok finally got it to save had to do it through advanced search for some stupid reason
just to find black screens on hustler anyway
i get sound on romantica but no picture using latest keybin

08-04-2007, 09:51 PM
ok gone from sirius to 30 west and nothing moving motor hispasat
it will not store sat positions

voith driver
09-04-2007, 08:44 PM
hi umgum,
sorry m8, i have been on the high seas for a couple of days, just got back, sorry to see you are still having problems, i know its a silly question, but when you select store, do you then press OK before exiting out, if you do this it will then revert back to search.

10-04-2007, 08:06 PM
maybe dunno i will try again

ok here is what i have done
1,select blue hustler
2,go to service searching
3,antenna setting
4,this bit i don`t understand it says antenna alternative 2
sat name hotbird surely this should read 6-sirius
5,select antenna alternativechamged that to sirius and select
6, i now have movement = stop motor control = search DiSEqC = user
7,i have signal and quality about 50% on the top bar and about 75% on the bottom bar
8,change motor control to store and select
9, i have pressed it once and now
i exit exit exit exit exit and it says moving motor -> sirius 5e

is there anything there i am doing wrong

voith driver
10-04-2007, 11:06 PM
hi umgum,
yes this is why i suggested using the first channel in the sat list, as this is quite often a fta channel, the first channel in the sirius list is either 1758 sirius channel or the same on 1759.
its always harder to tune in a channel if its a encrypted channel, and some channels do not show up with the correct sat name even if you know its tuned in, i have always put this down to a lower than optimum signal.

so try it on the above channel it might help, but keep it in mind that sirius is notoriously awkward to get especially at night, so if you are not having any luck, then skip that sat and move on to another one.

but even so, if you have saved it with a good signal, then ignore the moving to sirius and skip up and down the set of channels under the sat name itself as most of these are fta.

i would not change anything in antenna alternative when trying to tune a sat in, just scroll the channel list that is under the sat name itself, as, i said before, they are often FTA, and i usually use the first one or second in the list, until you find a channel that reports the correct sat name, then tune that channel in, once this one is tuned in, the whole list will come in, regardless of the fact that it might report a different channel name if you look in manual search.

though i am impressed that you can get 75% quality on sirius. i have a 1.2 m dish, and rarely get it above 50 during the day, and it drops to 25ish at night.

hope this helps a bit