View Full Version : 5400 - no smartcard messages.

13-03-2007, 12:36 PM
I have a friend's patched 5400 here, newly, spring cleaned and updated, everything seems OK .....but..... no smartcard messages and not decoding (presumably due to the fun card not being seen. The culprit doesn't seem to be the card reader board, I've just replaced it. Is there anything in the software which could be incorrectly set? Or cxould this be another symptom of a failing power supply? I'll have one to try in a few days, otherwise, I can only guess that it may be a motherboard fault. Any info. would be much appreciated, thanks!

13-03-2007, 12:40 PM
what program do you have on the fun card?
and what ToH HoT patchs are you running?

13-03-2007, 03:14 PM
The fun card had an old 6 in 1 file, and had been working fine. tried 5 other fun cards which had all had similar files on them, no reaction at all when the cards were inserted or removed. ToH3.4 Hot 8.0 installed, with the D+ fix file .D+ codes in Ram Editor are correct. Config menu, set to Emu + Card, also tried Emu+Card+S.

13-03-2007, 03:25 PM
looks like every thing is setup ok

dont know what to suggest mate since you have changed the card reader, there is a possability that the reader is not making contact with the card correctly (however unlikley since you have tried another one) are you getting any fta stuff at all? if not it could be a psu issue

13-03-2007, 03:29 PM
FTA OK for me, but the owner of the receiver said he had had problems there too. It's got to be worth trying a new PS, as I'm ordering one anyway toiday. Pity Humax reckon it takes 6 days to process a credit card order, must tell them at Tesco!

13-03-2007, 04:12 PM
if the unit has been spring cleaned, was the correct original firmware loaded?
it looks like it was since your getting fta but sometime loading the wrong firmware can cause it to do weird things!

you could always try going back to the start, ie loading the original firmware and then see if it picks up a card at that point.

what version of the humax do you have? 5400 5400z or 5400z+

13-03-2007, 04:50 PM
So when you pull out the card, the TV doesn't show 'smart card extracted' ?

If you're getting nothing, it might be like Zad says; there is a possability that the reader is not making contact with the card correctly.