View Full Version : d 600 help

13-03-2007, 06:43 PM
can anyone tell me how to turn on the bluetooth on d600
without using the screen
so i need to know numbers
i am trying to get pics off a m8`s phone he has brocken the screen

14-03-2007, 01:46 AM
I`ve only got a d500 m8,and i`m not sure if its the same but you can givr it a try if you like,
slide up----press menu(left button with 3 dots)-----press right, press up, press ok, press 6, press ok three times, bluetooth should be activated(at least on a d500).


14-03-2007, 07:41 AM
cheers m8 for some reason i can only connect this d600 to my wife`s d500
it won`t connect to my n73 or my bluetooth on the pc so now i need to find a different way of gettin the phone numbers off it

24-03-2007, 04:14 PM
press contacts top right button
then press ok
then press options top left
then press 2
then 4
then your options are
1 selected
2 all contacts
3 all phone contacts
4 all sim contacts

then if you press ok
then the options are

search for new device

if you have a phone already paired that will be the next row down

hope this helps

24-03-2007, 10:57 PM
cheers m8 i had already sorted one phone out i just hooked it up to the tv but i also had another d600 that was doin my nut in i think the ribbon to the lcd has gone as it seems to have affected the top keys and also the tv hookup i have one last shot and that is connecting it to pc via a cable