View Full Version : Warning To All Sat Nav Users.

15-03-2007, 12:08 AM
thieves are now looking for the ring on the screen of youre car then smashing the window to look for youre sat nav.
even if you don leave it in the car hidden it will still cost you a door glass time etc,advise keep the glass clean and try and remove the ring before leaving the car.

15-03-2007, 12:18 AM
thieves are now looking for the ring on the screen of youre car then smashing the window to look for youre sat nav.
even if you don leave it in the car hidden it will still cost you a door glass time etc,advise keep the glass clean and try and remove the ring before leaving the car.

funny you you should post this and more funny it has happened in your [our]
neck of the woods

2 days ago my m8 had his nicked out of the car you got it they smashed the window [pass side] he is well ****ed off


15-03-2007, 06:54 PM
yeah it always has been a high risk area swansea was quoted the other night as the car crime capital of the uk.:mad:

15-03-2007, 07:32 PM
Thats odd - I just took mine out ! Kinda occured to me that ... so removed any trace.
I lived in Holland a few years ago in Amsterdam .. where you have to leave your car door open - saves a lot of money in glass/locks.
Id never have a nice car again ...just added stress. How ever I spent a few hours cleaning my jeep only to got back out and a seagulls unloaded about a kilo of white s h i t e all down the side door's..

car's = stress _ Gone are the day's of the ford - capri's - Rover 2500 .. you can rent top cars very cheap - read the small print of the hire contract and relax.

16-03-2007, 12:05 AM
thanks for that m8 regds skem4LFC

16-03-2007, 08:15 AM
yes they did my brothes car last year and thats wht they told him