View Full Version : Easy TV not working

15-03-2007, 02:07 PM
I test now and black screen? What happend?

15-03-2007, 02:09 PM
Either a key change or they have closed down as expected in March 2007.

15-03-2007, 02:15 PM
Das über Astra 19,2 Grad Ost ausgestrahlte Pay-TV-Angebot Easy.TV des Mainzer Kabelnetzbetreibers Primacom soll im Laufe des Tages endgültig abgeschaltet werden.

Seit Ende Februar können Neukunden die Pakete "Complete" und "Select" nicht mehr buchen, aktuell steht nur noch der Einzelabruf von ****ofilmen zur Verfügung. Die bisherigen Kanäle wie AXN, Silverline oder National Geographic sind nicht mehr empfangbar, das gilt auch für den Infok****. Auf der Homepage des Anbieters ist noch kein Hinweis zur Abschaltung zu finden.
Sorry transl from germany to English by web site...

The Pay TV offer Easy.TV of the Mainzer of cable system operator Primacom radiated over Astra 19.2 degrees of east is to be finally switched off in the course of the daily. Since at the end of new customers the packages "Complete" know February and "SELECT" is not to no more to book, up-to-date only the single call of ****ofilmen at the disposal. The past channels such as AXN, Silverline or national Geographic are not receiptable any longer, apply also to the info. channel. On the homepage of the offerer still no reference to the disconnection is to be found.

15-03-2007, 03:16 PM
bad news for us from today.
Primacom, the owner of Easy.TV, has announced on last 19 december 2006 that the Easy.TV package would end his transmissions by satellite at 15 march 2007.
Exactly today on 12:00AM German time, the broadcast is turned to black for all Easy Tv Package.

16-03-2007, 08:05 AM
I have heard that also MTV Channels ( 0d050c ), could gone after midnight


They are gone now, bankrupt


Astra 1H, 19.2°E- ORF Digital: National Geographic Germany has left 12662.75MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:13104 PID:1040/1041 German)
- ORF Digital: Silverline has left 12662.75MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:13105 PID:1050/1051 German)
- ORF Digital: AXN Central Europe has left 12662.75MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:13106 PID:1060/1061 German)
- ORF Digital: Extreme Sports has left 12662.75MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:13107 PID:1070/1071 German)
- ORF Digital: Erotik First has left 12662.75MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:13108 PID:1080/1081 German), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe (Ku Band)

16-03-2007, 06:50 PM
its a shame about easy tv it was a good package:frown: :mad:

16-03-2007, 10:01 PM
I agree mate, it was a good package, shame its gone.

21-03-2007, 01:37 PM
gutted i will miss easy hot x:mad:

21-03-2007, 06:26 PM
There is a certain irony in anyone on here saying how much they will miss the channels. I can imagine that those viewing without paid subscriptions in Germany almost certainly helped put them out of business.

In my opinion Hot X was rubbish but then I can see others liked it. Everyone to their own. :D

23-03-2007, 06:10 PM
did the mtv channels go to? all black today but remember watching mtv2 a couple of days ago...

24-03-2007, 07:22 PM
yes, the CW simulcrypt ecm is removed/not working any more

30-03-2007, 11:59 AM
any way to still watch mtv networks then? it's one of the only things i still use my sat stuff for :(