View Full Version : Sirius 5E dish size

18-03-2007, 03:59 PM
I got a triax 1.1, dreambox 500s and a very sensitive LNB after trying many and am struggling with certain frequencies of Sirius. 11978 V 27500 is very difficult. I only get it certain times of the day but it is unwatchable as I get many break ups. The fact that i do get it means that am not far away from the signal. Can someone who has 1.4+ dish to check this frequency at night time? Am thinking of getting a 1.6m gibbertini but i don't wanna buy it only to find out that its not big enough for 24/7 reception. I can definitely receive it in day time with the 1.6 gibbi but am looking forward a 24/7 reception. Thanks

18-03-2007, 04:25 PM
Unless your stb has a crap tuner your location is key to this.
When viasat was publicly open I could clear the vertical frequencies 24/7
in e anglia with a nondescript 80cm mesh dish except in rain.

However the signal strength reduces rapidly as you move further west
across the country

Viasat vertical frequencies were notorious for tailing off in the evening and overnight,

18-03-2007, 04:27 PM
ive just tested the frequency 11978v 27500 and am getting mtv,bbc world,tv1000,hallmark,tv4,tv3,ztv ,nature/crime/playboy and via sport1 no problem with a 90cm dish signal 90% and signal quality 64% iam in the uk.

hope this helps.

18-03-2007, 04:56 PM
ive just tested the frequency 11978v 27500 and am getting mtv,bbc world,tv1000,hallmark,tv4,tv3,ztv ,nature/crime/playboy and via sport1 no problem with a 90cm dish signal 90% and signal quality 64% iam in the uk.

hope this helps.

I am located in London. Where are you about? with my Triax 1.1 am struggling with this frequency a lot.

18-03-2007, 05:01 PM
have u tried moving the LNB round in the holder to get best signal. Works for me when trying to get 7w

18-03-2007, 05:05 PM
have u tried moving the LNB round in the holder to get best signal. Works for me when trying to get 7w

Have tried that, nothing

18-03-2007, 05:28 PM
Can someone who has a big dish in the london area only try this frequency for me? Dont wanna buy an extra dish for nothing

18-03-2007, 08:37 PM
maybe your reciever has a weak tuner iam about 65miles from london not far from stamford A1 motorway.

18-03-2007, 09:49 PM
maybe your reciever has a weak tuner iam about 65miles from london not far from stamford A1 motorway.

What receiver you got? whats the cut off point of the stream?

You mentioned 65% for 11978 which is how much off the point where the picture breaks? Also could you test at night what you receive. Thanks

18-03-2007, 09:58 PM
I am not receiving it in Sus*** on 1m Orbital dish for reference.


18-03-2007, 11:30 PM
Hi Cheekeykid,

Not shure the cut off on your box, but on the Humax 5400ir
Its 17% Sig Quality below that BLACK SCREEN.
Again not shure how strong 5e Vetical Signal is thies days.
Way back when TV1000 was the (No1) channel,
Middays Signal Quality was no higher then 64% (As Clarkies read).
10pm till 2am Signal Quality droped to 15 to 17%.
Its was said Sirus turns to the sun to charge Up between 10pm to 2am.

At that time (5yrs back NE England) I upgraded my 80cm dish to a
1m dish, with a 0.6 LNB in poor weather (Black Screen)
Upgraded LNB to 0.3 Invercom. At Xmas in a snow storm at Midnignt
Tv1000 still in the clear.
Had TV1000 24/7 With Invercom LNB.


19-03-2007, 12:19 AM
cheeky ill give u my values on a dreambox with a gibertini op120 once i get the fookin motor looked at.

19-03-2007, 01:54 AM
My cut off point is 73%. Am ready to spend big for a 1.6b gibbi and before hand i wanna make sure that i won't waste my time because once the disc is here I won't be sending it back. Also ill block all the garden which is another problem.
There must be someone in the london area who has a 1.6-1.8 dish to test this out.

19-03-2007, 10:41 AM
my echostar cuts off about 30% the lnb i use is years old its a alps 0.7 could do with changing it but if it aint broke dont try to fix it,i tried it last night @7,9,11 it did drop in signal from 90% to 84% and signal quality 64% to 59% but still locked onto a channel.

19-03-2007, 03:21 PM
Hi there Cheekykid. I am south side of london and when I had my 2.4m solid prime focus dish I got evert thing come rain or shine 24/4. I am now using a cm 1.2 dish with an inverto 0.2 lnb and a dreambox 7000 and I get the following signal on these channels most of the time except in extreme rain. TV1000 NORDIC 70%
TV1000 FAMILY 70%

TV1000+1 74%

Come night time say 8-10pm the signal does drop to around 66-67%. The reason why I may be getting such a good reception (appart from a well aligned dish) is down to the fact that I am using the sat find pluging for the dream box which boost the signal on week transponders. If the pluging is avaliable for your 5000 try it and see if it helps. Good luck m8.

19-03-2007, 05:49 PM
Hi Cheekykid,

It seems you have a problem in your Line from LNB to STB.
Or a problem with your STB.

When you say 73% cut off, Do you mean (73% Signal Quality)..
..= Black Screen.

If thats the case can you pickup TRUE MOVIES 28e.
True Movies never (On my setup) goes above 45% Signal Quality.
My Humax 5400ir has a Cut Off point of (17% Signal Quality).

Last week in a very bad storm I was on TRUE MOVIES with my
HUMAX HDCI2000, the weather was that bad I looked at the
Signal strenth and Quality.
I still Had a Picture even though the Signal Quality was
registering 8%.

My 2 boxes have a cut offs, of 17% and 6%, that makes you 73%
cut off look faulty.

First thing to check is Shorts, that can lead to Premature Cut Offs.

A Short is where the outer strands of the coaxial cable are twisted around
the inner wire.
CK switch of STB or you"l blow the LNB.


19-03-2007, 09:42 PM
Come night time say 8-10pm the signal does drop to around 66-67%. The reason why I may be getting such a good reception (appart from a well aligned dish) is down to the fact that I am using the sat find pluging for the dream box which boost the signal on week transponders. If the pluging is avaliable for your 5000 try it and see if it helps. Good luck m8.

Can you tell me from where you got that plug in so i can check if its available for the 500s model.

Just so we aren't getting confused here. I receive most frequencies with relatively fine signal. The frequency in question is the most weak one of all and that is the 11978 V (viasat sport 1).
I spent one day testing it by having the receiver next to the dish with a small tv but no joy. I will try again though when the weather in london gets better(if ever:cool: ).

My receivers cut off point is 73%(quality). Its the same on all dreambox 500s.

I might be getting a technomate 9100 soon which will probably help.

20-03-2007, 03:48 PM
Hi there again Cheekykid. I rechecked the frequency 11976 V (viasat sport 1).

and I am getting around 66% this reading was taking this after noon at around 14:00 and on my dreambox I get drop outs and pixalisation at around 61%-62% and the picture is unwatchable at around 59%. As for the satfind pluging I am not sure if it works with the dreambox 500 maybe someone else can let you know if it does.

20-03-2007, 06:06 PM

You use dreambox 7000 which reportedly has a pretty unsensitive tuner and yet you pick up the beam. Can you recheck after 9pm what you get. Many thanks

My current triax may not be enough. I'll go for a gibbi 125cm if that proves to be enough. 1.6m and i'll have to face the neighbours judgement.

I think satfind does work with 500:cool:

I have now ordered a Technomate 9100 which should help with the signal among other things.

20-03-2007, 10:25 PM
I'll got for a gibbi 125cm if that proves to be enough. 1.6m and i'll have to face the neighbours judgement.

krikkitt on this forum can provide valuable info about what this dish can pull. He gets 7w with this combo. Ive got the 1.25m one but cant even sniff 7w. Viasat comes in fine when i last checked 1 month ago

20-03-2007, 11:21 PM
I checked that channel at around 20:00 and I was only getting around 59% with alot of breakups and yet at 22:00 the signal was coming in with no breakups at around 63%. Sirius is so tempermental.:mad:

20-03-2007, 11:55 PM
I checked that channel at around 20:00 and I was only getting around 59% with a lot of breakups and yet at 22:00 the signal was coming in with no breakups at around 63%. Sirius is so tempermental.:mad:

You getting the picture then. My 105x100 is not up to the task of receiving it.
1.6m am coming to you:D
I'll post photos when am ready

Viasat comes in fine when i last checked 1 month ago

Most channels but not the bitchy ones

Captain Jack
02-04-2007, 07:07 PM
You must remember that the "cut off point" for every receiver/tuner is different. On my very very old Humax F1, it was around 20% (I am talking SNR here), DM7000 was about 60%, DM7020 with a Philips tuner about 65% and now with the Apls tuner around 73%. Dreambox is stupid, but 73% on Dreambox will show as 20% on my Humax - it's all relative.

Also, a lot depends on SNR and FEC. TPs with FEC of 7/8 will need more signal than the one with 3/4 as 7/8 has less data for error correction, while a data stream with FEC of 3/4 has 75% data and 25% EC. I remember on my Nokia 9600 the cut off point for most things was about 3A (in hex!), but some weird channels on western satellites had an FEC of 1/2 (which meant that half the signal was used for EC) were locked on at signal level of around 14!

Back to Sirius - it's a pain in the bum satellite as most horizontal channels are stronger than vertical. I have a 1.25m Gibertini dish in Wiltshire and can receive most horizontal channels during the day and only one vertical (11747) in the evening. That's on Nordic beam of course. Note that the signal is also stronger in the winter than in the summer - don't know why...

02-04-2007, 07:46 PM
80cm in west midlands = 60% to 80%, no breakups but then again there isnt any keys for the channels on sirius