View Full Version : Bad news for free HDTV in the UK

19-03-2007, 01:27 PM
Reading this item, it makes you wonder why if US viewers can get free terrestrial HDTV from the major networks why the same isn't happening (won't happen) in the UK

Frequencies are the same (and finite) the world over, so if the US can do it, is is down to government and broadcaster greed in the UK?

For example this from a US site

"For most owners of new HDTVs, getting over-the-air high-def programming is as simple as putting up an antenna. That's because most TVs that can display HDTV are now sold with built-in ATSC tuners, which are required to receive high-definition as well as lower-resolution digital broadcasts over the air.

And all FREE!!!!!

The number of televisions capable of receiving over-the-air digital TV broadcasts will continue to increase every year as the FCC mandates more built-in DTV tuners. The Commission's ruling currently requires that all TVs sized 36 inches or larger include built-in tuners. Starting March 1, 2006, all midsize sets--between 25 and 35 inches--must include DTV tuners. The mandate trickles down to smaller TVs and other gear with TV tuners, such as VCRs and DVD recorders, until finally, on March 1, 2007, every TV tuner sold will supposedly be able to receive digital broadcasts. Note that televisions without tuners, technically called monitors, are exempt from having to include built-in DTV tuners."

"There's also plenty of HD programming on the air. All of the major networks--ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC--offer most of their filmed comedies and dramas in high-definition. UPN and the WB also broadcast many of their prime-time shows in HD"

19-03-2007, 07:45 PM
One of the reasons why (most people forget) is that the US is a large country and therefore their telecommunication's network needs to be available to all over great distances. Also there are networks competing for the consumers money via advertising revenues.

What makes me laugh is that one fifth (maybe more) of the UK cannot receive Freeview transmissions ............ so how do people expect to receive DVBS2 transmissions without paying for specialised equipment and subscriptions.

As pointed out in your post, there is a 'trickle down' and eventually HDTV will reach the masses by the next decade.

There is more information on Europe and HDTV available on this WIKI and how they have deployed this


BTW Comparisons with the US are useless, why??

Demographically, economically etc we are different - it would make more sense to compare our European neighbours than the US.

24-03-2007, 12:39 AM
I hope this doesn't happen all over europe. I don't want to pay for state owned channels.