View Full Version : 13&16

23-03-2007, 10:26 PM
when looking at the dish focus is on 16e on which side does the other lnb go for 13e?
ps. this is with alps lnb's.

24-03-2007, 11:19 AM
From the rear, main focus on 16east, 13east lnb will be to the left and slightly lower, 19east lnb will be to the right and slightly higher.
Hence loking into the dish the 13east lnb will be to the right and slightly lower.

24-03-2007, 02:58 PM
with standard fitting lnbs what you are after carnt be done as you are after is a 3 dg spread
with 2 lnbs you need a 6 dg spread ie 19 dg / 13 dg
or 16 dg / 10 dg
or 13 dg / 7 dg
eather way the prime linb that is directly on the end of the arm goes to the weekest satelite the lnb that is of set goes the the strongest satellit
unless you are useing the very narrow feedhorn lnbs then its still the same weekest satellite goes to the lnb directly on end of arm strongest satelite goes to the lnb that is offset

24-03-2007, 03:38 PM
With respect ABA, the O/P is talking about the narrow ALPS lnb's. Two of those put together will give a 3 degree separation. That is also why he is setting up 16east as his main focus, ie weakest satellite of the two.

I quote "Ideal LNB for use with Multi feed Arms because of it's "Bullet" shaped Feedhorn, when you need satellites which are 3 degrees apart,
PS.The thumbnail just happens to be a 4 outlet ALPS lnb

25-03-2007, 05:49 PM
cheers all got it working.16e is the focus and 2nd alps is attached to it on the right an side when looking at the dish.

25-03-2007, 08:52 PM
Well done m8, enjoy your viewing.

29-03-2007, 08:59 AM
You can now buy a monobloc lnb with a 3 degrees seperation this is far easier to setup,ideal for 13* and 16* East satellites, mike

03-08-2007, 06:49 PM
anyone put up a picture of the bracket they used with 2 (or 3) slimline alps LNBs for 13E & 16E (&19E)...or the type
of bracket that would work.

From what I've seen some brackets (e.g. on echelon's pix on the long lnb thread) the circular mountings touch as they are quite wide-sided..this would mean that even tho u are using slimline lnbs they cant get close enogh because of the brackets touching..if you see what I mean?

I need slimline brackets for those slimline lnbs as I want to do 19 - 16 - 13 E