View Full Version : England V Andorra

27-03-2007, 07:44 PM
Does anyone know of any descent feeds for the match on wednesday night? It would be a laugh to see england lose.:D

28-03-2007, 11:39 AM
Being broadcast on several channels, but as to feed not sure yet.

Tho this may help ya Terrestrial: ATV - Stream: mms://

found on LJ's

28-03-2007, 01:23 PM
Being broadcast on several channels, but as to feed not sure yet.

Tho this may help ya Terrestrial: ATV - Stream: mms://

found on LJ's

Use with real player ... finger's crossed

Scotland v Italy on the BBcee

: fRANK lAMPpard ruled out now .....

28-03-2007, 04:04 PM
details are on LJ's

nothing FTA or "open" i dont think.

28-03-2007, 04:54 PM
thats a blessing methinks. scotland, n ireland would be better

28-03-2007, 07:07 PM
can anyone confirm this, the signal on level on my system is bouncing around.

Atlantic Bird 1 (12.5°W)

Frequency: 11085 - Pol: V - SR: 4224 - FEC: 7/8

Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)

Comments: From Andorra

28-03-2007, 07:11 PM
This could be a possible..looks good

Eutelsat W2 (16.0°E)

Frequency: 12562 - Pol: H - SR: 5632 - FEC: -

Category: Sport - Football

Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)

Comments: Andora-England

28-03-2007, 07:11 PM
Eutelsat W2 (16.0°E)
Fréquence: 12562 - Pol: H - SR: 5632 - FEC: -
Catégorie: Sport - Football
Transmis en: MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)
Infos: Andora-England

doesnt look like the game though

28-03-2007, 07:17 PM
ha ha mad whats going on lol :)

28-03-2007, 07:18 PM
i think were all running around trying to get the game lol

28-03-2007, 07:22 PM
what ever it is its excelant quality he has rtl on his shirt ..

28-03-2007, 07:23 PM
must be french whatever it is

28-03-2007, 07:30 PM
lights out no good boys

28-03-2007, 07:42 PM
The stream is working well here good backup if we cant find a feed

28-03-2007, 07:43 PM
the feed i posted on 12.5w is on now

28-03-2007, 07:59 PM
Is it the game or just a reporter?

28-03-2007, 08:01 PM
it was a reporter in the stadium but now has gone to test card...sound of the crowd only.

28-03-2007, 08:08 PM
Cheers Chimaera.
Anyone tried 22W?

28-03-2007, 08:17 PM
the stream feed is total ****,it works but un watchable:mad:

28-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Yea -- Too many on it

Radio 5 working thou!"!

28-03-2007, 08:20 PM
I get about 2 seconds at a time on the sreamfeed !! :-( was my only hope as all my west satellites dont work, neighbours trees !!! AGH !!

28-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Stream is better now-- try smaller size window - England fan's Booing the whole team .... 0-0 is a disaster ..... A goal would change everything

28-03-2007, 08:34 PM
your not missing alot zzzzzzzzzzzzz so far.

28-03-2007, 08:38 PM
0-0 what cr*p!
Ireland v Sweden on BBC Interactiive far more entertaining :D

28-03-2007, 08:40 PM
Stream is better now-- try smaller size window - England fan's Booing the whole team .... 0-0 is a disaster ..... A goal would change everything

If they can't hammer this lot then it would be an absolute disgrace. McClaren is an idiot and it all reminds me of the Graham Taylor era. The players are over rated **** heads. Whatever the result tonight these facts won't change. To be honest I don't see the point of England qualifying anyway cos they never do any fuc#ing good when they reach the finals stages. I also find this laughable that we all can't watch our OWN NATIONAL TEAM cos some fuc#ing AUSSIE BAS#ARD has the TV rights. Yeah the whole things a fuc#ing farce!:rolleyes:

28-03-2007, 08:45 PM
Graham Taylor is doing Commentary on 5 Live - Fans chanting your not fit to wear your shirts .....Excellent

After wasting thousands in the world cup no way am i backing this lot.... but its sad as England has the best supporters in the world ive had some great times travelling with England -- tops ... how crazy we cant get a national team to win a few things.. Now Chanting ..Steve Mclaren is a Wa n k e r!! lol

GOAL: Germany 0-1 Denmark: N Bendtner (81)

28-03-2007, 08:46 PM
I also find this laughable that we all can't watch our OWN NATIONAL TEAM cos some fuc#ing AUSSIE BAS#ARD has the TV rights. Yeah the whole things a fuc#ing farce!:rolleyes:

I agree 100%....Not going to pay you know who...

28-03-2007, 08:46 PM
If they can't hammer this lot then it would be an absolute disgrace. McClaren is an idiot and it all reminds me of the Graham Taylor era. The players are over rated **** heads. Whatever the result tonight these facts won't change. To be honest I don't see the point of England qualifying anyway cos they never do any fuc#ing good when they reach the finals stages. I also find this laughable that we all can't watch our OWN NATIONAL TEAM cos some fuc#ing AUSSIE BAS#ARD has the TV rights. Yeah the whole things a fuc#ing farce!:rolleyes:

Agree with every word x100, bono. Said like it is here, m8.


28-03-2007, 09:02 PM

GOAL: Germany 0-1 Denmark: N Bendtner (81)

Hey some good news!:D

28-03-2007, 09:05 PM
0-0 what cr*p!
Ireland v Sweden on BBC Interactiive far more entertaining :D


Ireland versus ******ia on my tele! :D

28-03-2007, 09:05 PM
If they can't hammer this lot then it would be an absolute disgrace. McClaren is an idiot and it all reminds me of the Graham Taylor era. The players are over rated **** heads. Whatever the result tonight these facts won't change. To be honest I don't see the point of England qualifying anyway cos they never do any fuc#ing good when they reach the finals stages. I also find this laughable that we all can't watch our OWN NATIONAL TEAM cos some fuc#ing AUSSIE BAS#ARD has the TV rights. Yeah the whole things a fuc#ing farce!:rolleyes:

Don't hold back m8, say what you mean :D seriously though I agree with every word.:mad:

I think you speak for many millions there

28-03-2007, 09:14 PM
Hey some good news!:D

Seeking some positives!

INTER: FT Germany 0-1 Denmark

FAPAL: FT Man Utd Yth 1-0 Liverpool Yth

Oh Gerrald Scores for Engeerlannnd! 1-0

28-03-2007, 09:14 PM

Ireland versus ******ia on my tele! :D

Northern Ireland v Sweden on my Freeview Interactive (Ch301) :D
Ireland 2-1 up ..no need to ask who scored for Ireland..

28-03-2007, 09:16 PM
Seeking some positives!

INTER: FT Germany 0-1 Denmark

FAPAL: FT Man Utd Yth 1-0 Liverpool Yth

Oh Gerrald Scores for Engeerlannnd! 1-0

Denmark :D

England About ******* time!!!!

28-03-2007, 09:20 PM
Northern Ireland v Sweden on my Freeview Interactive (Ch301) :D
Ireland 2-1 up ..no need to ask who scored for Ireland..

N Ireland v Sweden

ASTRA2ABD 12441/V/27500

Awesome game!

28-03-2007, 09:33 PM

28-03-2007, 09:34 PM

what a bellend

stevie G is saving that *****s arse

28-03-2007, 09:52 PM
Wow England 3 the might of Andorra 0, at this rate England will be favourites to win the whole tournament. On another note, I think Gerrard is in his right position, centre midfield. Lampards a nobhead. He only scores a goal when it gets fuc#ing deflected in!:D

28-03-2007, 10:40 PM
Thank god for stevie g and his passion !!! ;)

the rest of the team were woeful,shocking and pathetic.

You cannot just blame steve mclaren for this crap performance,the players know what to do but 10 of them didnt!!! :eek:

[End of rant ]

stevie g for u n i t e d!!!!!!

29-03-2007, 01:12 PM
Viewed on a mid size screen it was just about watchable, at the start of the game it frooze a lot but then settled down with only the occasionable stop.

Considering it was only on sty it was worth having.:)

29-03-2007, 09:18 PM
its a coincidence that when lampard is out of the team the team actually scores.

Get fat frank out of the england side.

29-03-2007, 11:55 PM
I suspect he's too rich, his lifestyle keeps him unfit.

30-03-2007, 12:31 AM
The difficulty is you can't read anything at all into anyone scoring the other night.

Even geoff boycott's mum could score against Andorra :p

30-03-2007, 02:29 AM
Thats right anyone could score against that lot. But Frank Lampard is rubbish, a highly overrated player who only seems to hit the net when the ball takes a big deflection.:D

30-03-2007, 09:15 AM
Hi M8

I think it is unfair to single out one player for more criticism than the rest of the team, after all it is a team game, and supposedly played as a team, but in the last 4 or 5 years England have played as anything but a team, a few individual good/great performances seem to have been the norm, and finally it's a pity that Rooney has not had a few more deflections in his last 14 or 15 games and he is not exactly a slender/slim young man either.