View Full Version : Patching proble

27-03-2007, 10:31 PM
Hi everyone,
I usually Use a Dragon CAM and a Cas 3 to programme my TM-1500 C1 +.
Today I tried to load the latest Darkman patch, everything seemed okay but when I reconnected the TM to my TV set up, Prem came on for a second then black screen.
Do I need to turn the patch on in some way? I read that to update I need to go to Hotbird 10873, 27500, V.
Can I do this on my TM without doing a full scan? Also I am a bit worried about putting my CAM back in in case I damage it.
Would appreciate any advice as I'm a bit stuck.
Many thanks,

keith mawer
27-03-2007, 11:03 PM
tim snap!!!!! i swore i would never have a patch but i have ,, infact 3 days now ..
the solution tim is so easy ..
after you have the patch on (ie may be watch tps ) . go to ware it says systems settings on your dragon /t rex,,,it should show something like darkmans 1500... techo .. ok !!! to turn patch on hit the numerals 2004.... IT WILL NOT SHOW 2004 AS YOU TYPE BUT IT WILL THEN SAY CAS/BISS.. BINGO patch is on,,,,, if you want the patch OFF. type 2004 AGAIN the cas/biss will dissapear and the patch is off ,, then d+ will work 100 mph haaaa regards keith.
PS I STILL USE MY DRAGON as i type in d+ keys etc,,

27-03-2007, 11:23 PM
Hi Kieth,
Thanks for that, but how do I get to my 'systems setting on the Dragon'. Do I put the cam back in, and then what? I dont know how to put keys in.
Thanks mate,

28-03-2007, 07:55 AM
if using the patch , dont use the dragon

if using the dragon turn off the patch using 2004 and place the receiver on standby

now insert the dragon and press standby again so it reboots the receiver and enables the cam

then go to the ci interface on the menu and enter the dragon cam settings in the normal manner

so add or remove the dragon cam whilst on standby ( or completely turned off ) , and try not to have both at the same time or they will fight for supremacy

so its patch working or dragon working , but not both at the same time

premiere has a fixed key so isnt updated ( or would be updated using a softcam or by the remote control like d+ and cabo )

tps updates automatically on espn or france 4 or any other channel on that particular transponder and must be done daily if using the patch

dragon doesnt get tps at all at the moment

dragon is usually only needed if you are using a sly subbed card , otherwise there is no need for it as the patch does the same and also gives tps too

keys can be entered using the remote control on the tm8 , in a similar way as the dragon cam , or use the softcam instead

28-03-2007, 01:37 PM
Thanks echelon,
But I need to know how to turn on the patch, I have nothing at the moment.

28-03-2007, 02:26 PM
load the latest patch ( 10th march 2007 ) into the tm1500 using dark man loader v1.87 in the software tab

load the latest kempa82 softcam from yesterday ( or today if there is a newer one for d+ ) into the box using the keys tab

now to check the patch is on or off goto the system menu screen and look near the bottom

if its says in 2 boxes , biss and cas then the patch is on

if its on type 2004 using the remote control to turn it off and the 2 boxes will disappear

type in 2004 to turn it on again

its as simple as that

to update tps daily use espn classic or france 4 or one of the other channels on that transponder and wait until you see a picture , do this daily or leave on an update channel overnight so it gets the keys every morning

dont do what K MAWER did on al-sat and frighten thousands of users by saying the patch has failed when its actually human error ( not updating it on espn or france 4 ) ;)

all the info is on the various forums if ppl look , but not enough ppl actually read the forums or stickies and yet all the info is around if ppl took the time and trouble to read the threads etc

especially this one where posts 2 and 4 by me answered your question already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and KM,s trouble was answered in the last post in the same sticky thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( post 6 )

28-03-2007, 03:46 PM
But thanks echelon.

28-03-2007, 08:39 PM
hi all very new too this was very happy with dragon at the start as i could watch tps & multi with all the great films, but its been black screens now for a while can somebody please give me an idiots step by step guide on how to patch a technomate 1500ci so i can go back to be able to view tps multi
it is my firdst time and dont want to muck it all up

28-03-2007, 09:12 PM
read the stickies m8

the same thread as I posted earlier

tells you everything you need to know in there

and also in post 6 in this thread

09-04-2007, 05:07 PM
as i said new to this i guess i need to purchase some kind of lead to connect my computer to my technomate and in what order do i do everything once i have downloaded the software from darkman etc sorry but very very new to this

12-04-2007, 11:55 PM
Get the null cable on the popular auction sit or pay through thr nose.

13-04-2007, 12:54 AM
I found it really hard to understand at the start. When you get the cable, post, and I can talk you through it in the simplist terms. I know it seems daunting with the jargon. But mate its well worth it in the end.

18-04-2007, 05:43 PM
hi timbo got the lead om order can you please give me the idiots guide step by step so i can give it a go many thanks

18-04-2007, 10:50 PM
Hi P,
Do you know where to find the Darkman patch and Softcam?

18-04-2007, 10:58 PM
patch https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=323

softcam https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=63673

loader https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=60688

18-04-2007, 11:06 PM
Hi Kempa,
Thanks for that.