View Full Version : Want to extend my equipment

29-03-2007, 07:28 AM
Hi together!

I am thinking of getting a second dish on my roof. At the moment I have a Wafefrontier T 90 on the roof, aligned to 28.2E, 19.2E, 16E and 13E and with a Diseqc 1.0 switch conntected to the box.
So far I am very satesfied, as switching between satellite is very fast of course. Its only almost impossible to get satellites further to the east and to the west, so I am thinking of getting up a second dish which I could move to satellites not receiving with my T90.

I actually wanted at least a 1.25m but this might cause a problem with the wind on the roof, so I looked around and found a GREGORY OFFSET DISH with a main 90cm reflector and a litte subreflector at the LNB. According to the dealer who sales them this 90cm dish should bring as much a 1.2m common offset.
Has anybody heard of a gregory offset dish or has one in use?

Second thing; How to move it without always climbing to the roof. I dont want to dismiss my T90 with Diseqc 1.0 because of the fast switching between satellites, so easiest thing would be leaving 3 LNB on the T90 and the 4th on the new dish.
Doing it this way, I cant use a Diseqc 1.2 motor on that dish. Are there any other possibilities?

I am greatful for any ideas and tips and discussion about that matter.


29-03-2007, 08:17 AM
you could use an A-B switch and switch between the motorised dish and the diseqc system you have now

or get another box like a tm1000 or tm1500 and use this on the second motorised dish , leaving your present system untouched

ideally you want boxes of different makes so the remotes dont interfere with each other but you didnt say what your present box is

I use 2 boxes , a patched samsung and a patched tm1500 , so I know this is possible

you can buy an 8 way diseqc switch , so you could have another dish pointed at 30 west and connect to the 8 way diseqc , and this would give you 5 of the main sats , possibly you could have an offset for 15 west as well on this second dish giving you 6 sats with diseqc switching from the 8 way

its all about how many boxes you want , cost , experimentation etc

29-03-2007, 10:25 AM
I am using a patched Galaxis Easy World at the moment. Its diseqc 1.0 and 1.2.

Its also that i have just one cable available from the box to the roof, and no possibility to lay a second one. That makes it sh***y. A second box for the motorised dish would be the best solution, no question, but only one cabel.

Diseqc A/B might work, but can I operate the motor "behind" the A/B switch with my box?

Its mainly about 15W, thats why am looking for that 90 cm gregory which should work like a 1.2. Its pretty expesnive, EUR 259,-- at my local dealer.

This 8 way switch, use they disecq 1.2?

29-03-2007, 10:42 AM
seems to me that you wont be able to run a motor and keep what you have already , so an 87 way diseqc switch seems the best solution and a second fixed dish connected to it , possibly with a 30 west offset as well as 15 west , 2 lnb,s and 2 cables back to the 8 way switch

mine came from stars*t in italy , and I had to google for it , cost was about 30 to 35 euros delivered , eight in one out diseqc switch

EMP-Centauri 8 SAT / 1 RECV GOTO nn DiSEqC Multiswitch

Switch diseqc 1.2 - 8in1out - EMP Centauri da interno
[s168] €32,00 €28,00
Switch diseqc 1.2 - 8in1out - EMP Centauri da interno
Click to enlarge

Switch diseqc 1.2 - 8in1out - EMP Centauri da interno

Caratteristiche generali:

8in/1out switch designed for direct connection of up to 8 SAT IF inputs to one receiver.
Inputs are selected by DiSEqC 1.2 command "Goto nn" (6B). Inputs 1 to 4 are selectable also by command "Write N0" (38), which makes the unit compatible with standard DiSEqC 4-input switching.
Short-circuit protected. The unit is to be used with a satellite receiver enabling to set-up motor position number.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

Frequency Range 950-2300 MHz
Control DiSEqC command “Goto nn” & “Write N0” (inputs 1-4)
Insertion Loss 5 dB avg.
Isolation 30 dB avg.
LNB current max. 400 mA
Current consumption max. 50 mA
Dimensions (w,d,h [cm]) 13.6 x 10.4 x 3.3
Temperature range –25°C - +60 °C

********************************* **************************

Model: S. 168 (8 in - 1 Out)
# 8in/1out switch designed for direct connection of up to 8 SAT IF inputs to one receiver. Inputs are selected by DiSEqC 1.2 command "Goto nn" (6B). Inputs 1 to 4 are selectable also by command "Write N0" (38), which makes the unit compatible with standard DiSEqC 4-input switching. Short-circuit protected. The unit is to be used with a satellite receiver enabling to set-up motor position number.

Example: 61.5+82+91+97+110+119+121+148 (Any 8 Satellites to 1 FTA Receiver)

********************************* ********************************

ps:- I havent fitted mine yet as waiting for better weather , so should be in the next few weeks , still using a 4 way at the moment but I have 2 receivers so not a problem

29-03-2007, 11:01 AM
the 8/1 switch sounds good.

might be the best solution. The second dish is only for special occasions anyway, and will not be moved every day.
Would just have been comfort.

Are you using this 8/1 sucessfully?

29-03-2007, 12:09 PM
the 8/1 switch sounds good.

Are you using this 8/1 sucessfully?

not installed it yet , still using a 4 way diseqc switch at the moment

hopefully will be sorted in the next few weeks if the weather improves

29-03-2007, 01:35 PM
Angles - You say in your original post that a DiSEqC motor would not work in conjuction with a four way DiSEqC switch.

But I think it would. It is the simplest solution.

30-03-2007, 11:53 AM
you mean it should work if I connect my box to a 4/1 disecq switch, with 3 input on the 3 LNB from the T90 and the 4th connectet to the disecq 1.2 motor?

Other question. Sombody receiving 15 West with a 105cm or less dish succesfully? 105 cm would be much cheaper than the 90 gregory. A 125 cm would still be cheaper, but too big for the roof.
What do you think?


30-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Yes, it works exactly as you have stated. You need a receiver which allows you to set a "null" position for selected satellites. When you select one of the three fixed positions it does not send a move instruction to the motor.

Modern receivers should be able to do this although they might require a channel editor.

You need to check locally about 15°w reception, but 15°w should be easy to get in Austria.

30-03-2007, 02:44 PM
is it a gregory dish or a gregorian I have not heard of the former the gregorian are very efficient dishes can be fixed or better motorised

30-03-2007, 07:00 PM
it looks one like that

h t t p://www.satlex.de/de/satcom_gregory-page_1.html

I think gregory = gregorian, German expression. The dish named gregory looks like the one on the link above and I googled gregorian, and they look the same.

05-04-2007, 09:59 PM

I am back.

I got myself a 100cm Gibertini and a 0.2dB MTI AP8-T2NRC LNB. After 6 hours up and down the roof, I dont know what to do anymore, I have no luck on 15W Telstar.
A search with 3 different boxes brought up only 1 transponder, 11502 H 6620 3/4

On any other transponder, I get no signal. The pole is perfectly straight, and dish aligned as good a possible wie the strength/qualitiy display on my box.
Whats disturbing me is, that the box gives me 99% signal strength and 0%quality on all transponders exept the the one I receive, there it is 99%/30%.
On 16E Fox Sports, I have 70%/40%.

I aligned the dish with help of h t tp://www.satlex.de/de/azel_calc-params.html?satlo=-15.0&user_satlo=&user_satlo_dir=E&location=47.80%2C16.25&cityname=Wiener+Neustadt&la=47.80&lo=16.25&country_code=at&diam_w=75&diam_h=80

The calculation gives me LNB skew of 25,17°, does that mean I have to twist the LNB CLOCKWISE when I stand in front of the dish and look on the LNB?

The cable from the LNB to the box is about 25m, and the weather is perfect, not a cloud in the sky.

Has anybody an idea what could have gone wrong here???


05-04-2007, 10:04 PM
if the dish is looking west the lnb goes anti-clockwise when stood in front of the dish

the further east you go from due south the more the lnb is skewed clockwise

I have no idea if you can get this sat in your location but I know I get it on a 1.1m triax dish here in the uk

06-04-2007, 11:40 AM
Thanks for you advise!!!
Its very tricky to get telstar. But I finally managed, with the 37cm TV and box on the roof next to the dish. :-)

Now I get on many frequ. 99% Quality, DAD 5 is coming with 60% and Conan O'Brian was on air when I finaly got telstar.

Now I tried the cricket feed on 11.644 V 6111 3/4, but no signal. Is the signal off, and only on when the match is shown?

It seems I get all the station on Telstar shown on lyngsat, but no feeds, exept DAD 5. Are the feeds wo much weaker?

07-04-2007, 01:55 PM
Everything working now!!! :D

Cricket feed is coming loud and clear at 80% quality at the moment.

A big thank you to everybody who supported me, especially echelon.
