View Full Version : AU on TPS for Aston Simba

31-03-2007, 03:52 PM
I found this firmware and fun card file while trawling through some of the old haunts on y a h o o groups. It works but be patient.

Load the firmware to the box (I used winloader), program the fun card with the flash internal and external eeprom files in the zip. It took well over half an hour for the card to AU but now seems to be working on most channels. I left it on LCP (french parliament channel) 10872v sr27500 and waited for the update.

It is working on my simba202 (seca and via) but should work on the simba 201 (seca) as the fun has a seca atr. It will probably also work on a Xena1600 or Xena1700.