View Full Version : Tomtom Speed Cameras U.K. & Europe - April 5th

05-04-2007, 10:00 PM
PocketGPSWorld.com Speed Camera Database Version 5.042 5th April 2007
10,741 verified cameras in the database and 1,160 unverified mobile sites (total combined: 11,901). 3,874 Gatso/Monitron/Truvelo, 5,627 Mobiles, 20 Temporary, 218 Specs and 1,002 Redlight Cameras.
We have had a total of 28 verified static cameras added this release

Each file covers all of the speed cameras, so only use one of them depending on how much information you want.

The ZONED cameras are split up into different camera groups - Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs & Temp - and then these groups are split up again into the various different speed limits - 20mph, 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70 - except for the Redlight cameras.

The CONSOLIDATED cameras are just split up into the different camera groups Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs & Temp - so just one file for each group.

The SINGLE cameras has only one file which covers all of the cameras.

Also included are the Europe Single File speed cameras.

How to upload the Speed Cameras :-
Extract the contents from whichever file you decide to use, then copy all the .OV2 and .BMP files and paste them into the map folder on your memory card.

For customised speed camera warning sounds have a look here :-


All Cameras here -

And here -


06-04-2007, 07:40 PM
Hi Russell1,

I see there is a new speed camera files now Also included are the Europe Single File speed cameras, is this a new files I have never seen it before, does this file cover the rest of Europe, what can you tell me about the covarage? Are there copies of UK spped camera files in the Europe.ove file?



06-04-2007, 08:08 PM
I haven't used the Europe file, but from looking at the size of it I doubt if it includes any UK cameras.

06-04-2007, 09:09 PM
Hi Russell1,

Thanks. Since we last mailed, someone told me the strange speed camera files are official TomTom files, I have now updated to the Europe NavTeq map V6.1256 as they are supposed to be better maps and this one is supposed to be more up to date, do you have any views on this?


I haven't used the Europe file, but from looking at the size of it I doubt if it includes any UK cameras.

06-04-2007, 10:08 PM
I haven't tried any Europe maps, I'm still using UK 660.1199, but will put the 660.1219 map on soon.

06-04-2007, 11:44 PM
That was the map I installed the other day, now changed to 660.1256 supposed to be more up to date.

I haven't tried any Europe maps, I'm still using UK 660.1199, but will put the 660.1219 map on soon.

07-04-2007, 09:26 AM
Russell thanks for the latest camera files

07-04-2007, 09:48 AM
Hi Russell

Many thanks for your regular updates. Much appreciated.

I see you live in North Wales. You have my sympathy. Don't you have more cameras on your roads than anywhere else in Britain? It's pretty bad in West Wales now. My wife just got done for accellerating out of a 30 mph zone just before the derestricted sign. No other traffic, no pedestrians, no houses, but 40 mph passing the sign. 3 points, 60 quid fine and 50 quid on the insurance. Grrr......

07-04-2007, 11:01 AM
Not too many static cameras around, but bloody loads of the 'Arrive Alive' speed camera vans & 34mph or over (in a 30) & you're nicked.

Some of the traffic cops have got a new past time now - whilst driving along the road, if they see a vehicle with a mobile phone number advertised on it they call it up & then see if the driver is on hands free, if not then he's nicked.

It's a pity they can't put the same amount of effort into solving muggings, stabbings, shootings, street crime, burglaries etc............ - but that involves real police work.

08-04-2007, 04:45 PM
It's a pity they can't put the same amount of effort into solving muggings, stabbings, shootings, street crime, burglaries etc............ - but that involves real police work.

Absolutly spot on m8