View Full Version : Bye Bye Prexxxrx

06-04-2007, 07:05 PM
Hallo on all

Its seems that Prexxxxrx will goto Videoguard on the 01.08.07. :frown:

06-04-2007, 07:46 PM

Any source for that claim?

I´ve got a sub to PREMIERE and they will definitly not change
their sytem to Videoguard in the forseeable future.

Mind you they just started to sell PREMIERE FLEX on January.

I guess you mean KDG (cable TV) They´ll move from Nagra to Videoguard.

06-04-2007, 08:39 PM
My Info say's to all ( Cabel and Sat )
Means they must update Software to goto new Card ( for Old Box's ) and re-supply to all Sub's

Think of it like this if you had a Petrol Station would you give out free Petrol ?
And sly's box is Good. :redface:

07-04-2007, 03:17 AM
Hallo on all

Its seems that Prexxxxrx will goto Videoguard on the 01.08.07. :frown:

who is the source Dude, alot could happen in 4 months

07-04-2007, 08:16 AM
The Boss Himself Said it ;)

07-04-2007, 11:24 AM
Let them change :-) i don't bother, dont watch premiere anyway!
by all means nothing is for free! :-) have a nice easter :p

07-04-2007, 12:22 PM
All satellite boxes will be swapped out for new VG ones.

This could take until December.

This has been known for a long time.

07-04-2007, 01:30 PM
Just makes VG a bigger target, providers changing to this encryption because of its anti-hacking properties will get a big shock sooner or later.:D

07-04-2007, 02:06 PM
soon nds will acount for over half of all satellite channel encryptions which will make it the biggest target of all and have much more people trying to crack it on a premanant basis

07-04-2007, 02:16 PM
NDS will eventually fall, as all encryptions do, SKY and their bullyboy tactics wont apply to eastern europe, asia, russia, etc......

07-04-2007, 02:22 PM
NDS will eventually fall, as all encryptions do, SKY and their bullyboy tactics wont apply to eastern europe, asia, russia, etc......

There is already some RUMORS that this provider in Italy has fallen and card changes are on way ..

notice how i emphasize rumors


07-04-2007, 05:07 PM
eventually all will fall regds skem4LFC

08-04-2007, 05:24 AM
The Boss Himself Said it ;)

whoes the boss ??

08-04-2007, 12:48 PM
its a big rumour and i doubt premiere will change as they have to change every single reciever from betacrypt nagra to nds which costs a lot of money

08-04-2007, 04:45 PM
There is already some RUMORS that this provider in Italy has fallen and card changes are on way ..

notice how i emphasize rumors


I dont beleive those rumours to be true, not long ago when the Dragon Team implemented NDS support on a predator software there was talk of a hack....that hasnt materialised, i think for the moment its not hacked, even it is hacked i cant see it being made public yet, have read a couple of stories on how Murduck and Sky sort out issues.....im sure people behind a hack are also aware i think a hack just simply isnt sensible, too powerful is Sky....but fingers crossed as i say if NDS does broaden its horizons they will encounter new enemies they maybe cant deal with in the same way...

09-04-2007, 05:02 AM
There is already some RUMORS that this provider in Italy has fallen and card changes are on way

Apparently a video has surfaced on YouTube "which ive seen" showing a phillips box clearing S*y italia, its release coincides with a statement from s*y italia anouncing that they will switch to NDS3 at the end of the year, speculation is that the provider knew so is taking measures.
Its been said that it will go public in the next few days so time will tell.
Its inevitable as is Prem changing eventually, but i hadnt heard that they were moving to Videoguard.

If providers start moving to NDS it will make it a bigger target and i think the more likely out come is that providers using NDS will move to stronger encryption leaving NDS behind before the hackers rip it open or as open as Nagra is now, with technology growing hackers have abilitys that would have cost serious money once, thatsthe only reason NDS hasnt been opened, i guess thats evolution, or could it be the end some providers security?.

09-04-2007, 09:14 AM
another rumor, kofler sell dreamboxes in next time...;):redface: :D

i dont belive this sh*t!

09-04-2007, 09:23 AM
@gov400: Couldn't they tunnel NDS in Nagra, just like Viasat do for their platform in Viaccess? This is how Viasat avoided replacing all of their receivers out there - I think only an OTA update was required to enable the tunnelling.

I think there is bound to be something big on the way from Premiere, otherwise how could you explain 4 months of open viewing and no attempts to modify their current encryption or change keys? I remember the "smart guys" saying mark my words, once Premiere are back from their Christmas holidays they will change keys and then black screens! Look how wrong they were! It is plausible that Premiere have lost faith in Kudelski and have been researching an alternative solution in this time...

Here are two interesting links...

h**p://www.pressebox.de/pressemeldungen/nds-group-plc/boxid-62275.html - Premiere already partner with NDS on interactive content
h**p://http://www.n*s.com/newspdfs/Kabel_BW_260207.pdf - German cable operator replaces existing CA with NDS using only a set top box upgrade and card replacement

09-04-2007, 06:35 PM
another rumor, kofler sell dreamboxes in next time...;):redface: :D

i dont belive this sh*t!

Doesnt he still sell Dreambox lite (DBox2) from time to time?

09-04-2007, 06:40 PM
Sky Italy has announced nothing yet...
Is this a madeup-facts game?
It's true that there is a new NDS ID in SkyIT channels. but for the moment, that's that...

10-04-2007, 12:29 AM
I think there is bound to be something big on the way from Premiere, otherwise how could you explain 4 months of open viewing and no attempts to modify their current encryption or change keys

I'd agree, i think Premiere made a decision to cease key changes as it was being cleared by diablo anyway, Diablo Team were making money out of it through sales, and key changes cost premiere money, rather than playing an exspensive game of cat and mouse when they were wide open anyway and filling the boots for diablo, they excepted their losses regrouping to decide its next change saving them money and stoping the profitting teams in their tracks which makes sense im sure they'llbe more than an algo change next time as even that only lasts days now.

Its hard to understand why other providers keep changing keys when they are clearly wide open, it only costs them money to roll the keys which are discovered in seconds these days in comparison to not so long back when keys took days and hours to appear it doesnt make sense.

With regard to NDS rumours, thats all they are, but the video was very authentic, showing the receiver clearly hooked up with the lid off, with no card inserted showing TPS, then sky italia, unplugging the scart from the receiver etc to prove it.

Either a very good fake or true, NDS is not unbreakable its just very complicated and requires exspensive hardware, but in a world of powerful PCs who knows.

I can remember "sound like my grandpa now"; when nagra came and that seemed invinsible its now as open as a prostitutes vertue, and even the latest change that sent the screens black for months eventually cleared so its not that much of a surprise that it may be the turn of NDS to be compremissed.

10-04-2007, 01:27 PM
I Agree, Premiere will do somthing about it, but they will want to be sure when they do do somthing they get it right.

Nagra don't exactly have a good record of late.

I expect it will stay open for a good while yet.