View Full Version : Would this work - Poor man's Slingbox?

10-04-2007, 08:13 AM
Before I even try, would this work?

1. Null modem cable to Humax
2. Humax 'remote control' software to control the humax from PC
3. Scart to video capture card (to stream picture to PC)
4. VLC software to view/stream picture
5. VNC software to log on to the PC remotely to: -
a. Control the 'remote control' software' and thus control Humax
b. View the streaming content.

Sort of like a poor-man's Slingbox...

10-04-2007, 08:50 AM
cant see why not on paper
should work fine

10-04-2007, 01:09 PM
Aslat .......... it might work, but bear in mind the Serial port has a very low maximum transmission rate.

Which I think would make it unsuitable for video transfer ... just my opinion

However there is 'Serial To Ethernet' software which might be more useful in this instance


11-04-2007, 07:50 AM

The serial port would only be used for the usual null-modem. I was thinking of using the scart output to a video capture card.

11-04-2007, 08:28 AM

but you want log EMM ECM from video signal ???

if yes i think it NOT work

12-04-2007, 02:12 PM
This has got nothing to do with logging...LOL

Its to do with streaming the picture to the PC and then connecting to the PC from a remote location...

12-04-2007, 03:34 PM
Aslat it sounds right to me, for the Video IN .... you can use a cheap ****og TV tuner card or Video Capture Card ... you might be in luck in your Graphics card has Video IN.

The really tricky part is to find the right combination of audio/video codecs - compression and the bandwith used.

I have no idea what your connection is but if it's standard DSL it's only 30kbps which is pretty low for video transmission.

I have streamed television at home using wireless network cards using my PC satellite card and ****og TV card at home with great success, it's only a natural progression to move onto the net as you want to do.

If you do have some success keep us informed, I don't have a compatible STB to try out what you want to do, but it's interesting :)

BTW You forgotten to ensure you audio connections ..... LINE IN or MIC on your soundcard

13-04-2007, 09:23 AM
i understand ;)

it's like see and control you Humax (at home) from remote location (like office)

it's good idea :)

like @chrome307 write i think olso audio/video trasmission need some fast connection or you just use really little video resolution (320x200 ... if i not mistake numbers)

but i'm shure it can work ;)

13-04-2007, 11:15 AM

You could always stream to your mobile phone or a handheld device like Sony PSP with low resolutions/bandwith.

13-04-2007, 11:44 AM
Unfortunately, my graphics card only has a TV out not a TV in !!

So the project is on hold at the moment....