View Full Version : Dish sizes for new satellites ?

13-04-2007, 08:38 PM
Does anyone know exactly what size dish I would need for the new Satellites at 25.5 east (eurobird 2) and 7 west (atlantic bird 4) and also the old one at 30.5 east (arabsat 2b).

They are very hard to get in the UK but the question is how bigger dish do you need ?

I have seen the old chart from December 2006 which does not incorporate these new satellites.

I live in the south east of England and currently have a 1.1 metre dish.

Any info is much appreciated.


13-04-2007, 08:43 PM
25.5east you need a 80cm for the VERTICAL transponders
25.5east you need a 110cm for the HORIZONTAL transponders

7west you need a 80cm for some VERTICAL transponders
7west you need a 100cm for all VERTICAL transponders
7west you need a 120cm for some Horizontal transponders
7west you need a 180cm for ALL channels on 7west

30.5east you need a 80cm dish.

13-04-2007, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the reply Derick.

I cannot get anything from Eurobird 2 at 25.5 east or Atlantic bird 4 at 7 west or Arabsat 2b at 30.5 east.

I think you need at least a 1.8 metre dish for all of them but I still wonder if thats big enough.

You might need a 2.5/3 metre dish which is what you need for Amos 1 at 4 west.

Can you get any of these and what size dish do you have ?

14-04-2007, 07:37 AM
There are 3 satellites co-located at 25.5 & 26e, these are Eurobird 2, BADR 3 & BADR 4. The last 2 will need a 1.2m dish for reliable reception, but Eurobird 2 will need something like a 3m dish. Arabsat 2B at 30.5e will also need around 3m. For 7w, a 1.2m should do for most vertical channels, but a 2.5-3m dish will be needed for horizontal ones.

14-04-2007, 07:56 AM
i have no probs with vertical transponders on 25east, 30east ive had about 30channels, and nilesat 7west i get about 20.
Thats with an 80cm dish,

14-04-2007, 09:45 AM
Thanks for you replies especially satsearcher as thats the most accurate one.

Much appreciated.

14-04-2007, 04:52 PM
Glad i could help, not sure which channels LittleDerick is getting on 30.5e, think he's got this one confused with another sat! Here's the footprint for it
Anyone who can get this on an 80cm in the UK has my respect!

14-04-2007, 06:16 PM
Is there anyone out there who can get the satellites we are talking about or Amos 1 at 4 west which is another one that needs about a 3 metre dish ?

If you can, are there any good channels/feeds showing football or anything else ?

I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say if you can get them.


14-04-2007, 11:29 PM
I don`t think you can get all channels on 7deg west Nilesat on a 1.8m dish or I cannot in my location.You can get a fair few with a 2m in north Staffs.MBC1,2,3 etc are viewable reasonably reliably and a few of the showtime channels but weakly.The only ones viewable on Showtime really is UK Style but scrambled.I thought about a card but you cannot get the film or football without a massive dish of 3m upwards apparantly.
I would think a 1.8m was a bit small to reliably watch the clear channels worth watching.You would certainly need a sensitive receiver.

15-04-2007, 06:22 PM
Is there anyone out there who can get the satellites we are talking about or Amos 1 at 4 west which is another one that needs about a 3 metre dish ?

If you can, are there any good channels/feeds showing football or anything else ?

I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say if you can get them.


i have 4west and have a 1m dish in dorset. only 13 channels, 3 encrypted(2 open with a dragoncam) 1 sport channel, megasport

16-04-2007, 08:24 AM
This is the best I can do here on 4W and 25.5E with a 125cm Gibertini.
So no chance really with an 80. :rolleyes:


16-04-2007, 03:05 PM
I can get Amos 2 at 4 west but not Amos 1 as you need a 3 metre dish for that.

I can get 26 east but not eurobird at 25.5 east.

Anybody else with a 1.8 metre dish or bigger that can see these satellites ?

01-05-2007, 08:28 AM
I take that back ...........

Just fitted a ChannelMaster feedhorn and Inverto C120 twin to the Gibertini and got 25.5E :D
(well this transponder at least).

The sinal increases an extra 10% to that indicated in the picture during the evening


02-05-2007, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the reply.

This is very interesting, so just to clarify you are in Oxfordshire and you have a 1.2 metre dish.

Is that correct ?

Do you find that the signal strength increases in the evening ?

I have a 1.1 metre dish in the south east and cannot get anything on 11075 v 27500.

Do you have any luck on any other frequency ?

Thanks again.

07-05-2007, 09:43 AM
Yes you are correct.
I have some signal on a couple of other transponders on 25.5E but they are just under the threshold for a lock and picture. Going to replace the feeder in the next few days to see if that brings it up a couple of points.
Will let you know.

