View Full Version : Goldmaster sat-9400 v cı Error 3

16-04-2007, 06:25 AM
Goldmaster sat-9400 v cı Error 3

I have been trying to update Goldmaster sat-9400 v cı and get error 3. I have got a USB to null moden and works all right on my Visionnet. When I us TDF down there are only to coms 1 & 2 and on the computer can not find them find coms from 4 to 9. So what I did went into device manager and change the com to 2. And it works but I get error 3. Does anyone know what this means and the way I change the com would this be all right or is the why I am getting the error. Thanks for any answer.

20-04-2007, 07:33 PM
i tried to update my goldmaster this way, also error 03, i use rs 232 cable from desktop pc, also golmaster cable pin configuration is not straight! they use a cross over type of cable i think 1 to 1 2 to 5 3to 6 ,not 100% sure of pin out ,try goldmaster site hope this helps m8;)

20-04-2007, 08:20 PM
Got this from a Turkey forum and works great know as I could not get a answer on the English forums. Hope this helps you out.

From kamaxx

suppose You have got a notebook computer.Thus,You have to install the driver of usb to rs232 null modem cable.After that,It should be seen as com port 4,

If everything is okey,then You seperately do these

*Click right side of the mouse onto properties of topfield downloader interface
*Go compatibility section
*Run compatibility mode as Windows 98/Windows Me
*Try again

Note:This matter generally occurs when we use hyper threading processor units.If the problem still goes on,You cancel the second core of proccessor on bios(setup) features.