View Full Version : Motor calibration problems ?

Big Baz
16-04-2007, 06:30 PM
Hi,i am having problems with the calibration of the disq.1.2 motor(stab).I seem to be approx 3-6 degrees out to what readings i should have on the motor degree scale against the motor pointer .I can pick up 13,16&28 east but once i go to 42e or 30w loose signal(maybe because of being a greater arc ?)

Any suggestions would be appreciated. p.s. using Hummy

Many thanks in anticipation. Big Baz.

16-04-2007, 08:00 PM
You can try and nudge it a few degrees east or west..

menu>installation>service searching>antenna setting>click OK twice>movement...and then press left or right (approx 1 degree per 3 clicks)

Keep an eye on the bottom blue line

If you've pressed more then about 10-12 times, go back to zero and try the other way..

Once its ok exit and press OK when the warning about the setting has changed.

If that don't work, maybe your pole has moved off vertical

Good luck

voith driver
16-04-2007, 11:09 PM
hi big baz,
hmmm, i am having to scratch my head, as i have not had to think about this for a long time, and i can't find my crib sheets, but if aslats reply does not help, here is my thoughts.

i would start from your 0 position, (this might shed some light on your descrepency of 3/6 deg)if you are using thor 1W then you would expect to see the pointer about 0, but if you are using a different sat then this would be the difference.

then i would step out per sat to the east, tuning in each one, until you lost the ability to tune in, mark that, then do the same from 0 position out to the West, again marking where you lost out, if its equal each side, then it could mean that your declination wants tweaking.

if you get more deg on one side than the other, you can try just turning the mount slightly on the pole.

but you do need to get the data before you start, sorry its a bit vague, but this is a quick reply

hope this helps

Big Baz
17-04-2007, 07:50 AM
Thanks *****(vip) & Voith driver will give it a go later.

Many thanks .Big Baz.