View Full Version : Humax not loading

20-04-2007, 10:19 AM
Trying to load anything on to my humax nothing loads .Have tested my cable on a programer no problems must be a humax problem any ideas

20-04-2007, 11:09 AM
try switching off your stb and then switch it back on again,
make sure you have the correct com port selected

20-04-2007, 11:49 AM
Done that no joy

20-04-2007, 12:07 PM
It still might be your cable.

You need an RS232c / Null modem cable.

The "c" stands for cross-over (data send connects to data receive and data receive connects to data send). This enables your Humax and PC to communicate with each other.


The powering up of your Humax causes a message to be sent to your PC to start sending the data. This cannot occur if you are using a mono-directional cable.

20-04-2007, 12:18 PM
what exactly are you trying to do ie are you loading keys firmware channel settings ect and what piece of software?

20-04-2007, 12:32 PM
Have three diferent null modem cabels have tride all three have all worked in the past.Trying to load key bin files and have tride loading firmware

20-04-2007, 01:34 PM
how do you know it`s not loading
are you sure your using the correct cable my programmer cable and my hummy cable are different

20-04-2007, 01:49 PM
When you load firmware loadin screen with progress bar comes up have been loading with theese cables for years

20-04-2007, 01:51 PM
ok so you start your loader on pc then turn hummy on
and you don`t get any progress bar
remember that there is no progress bar with the bin files

20-04-2007, 02:12 PM
cant say i have ever seen anyone report just a faulty com port on a humax before.... alough it does not mean this time is going to be the first!!!!

does everything seem to be working ok with your stb apart from this issue!

has anyone else had a go at the unit? (ie has it been in for repair anywhere?)

are you sure your using the correct software for what you are trying to do?

loading firmware start the software off and take the humax out of standby
loading keys, make sure the humax is on!

what software are you running to do these tasks?

20-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Still working ok on all other channels using the same software as normal not been repaird for years no one goes near it had it from start six years +using humax loader pack1.5x

20-04-2007, 03:03 PM
Have loaded nearley every hot patch since thay started loading key bib with DSR9500 Samhumy edit before no probs trid using desk top pc and laptop programed fun card with elvis on pc and laptop with all cables .
Never had this problem before

20-04-2007, 03:51 PM
In recent months my Hummy intermittently won't load firmwares - a new problem for me (and there may be some correlation with your problem). After many tries it then gives up and loads OK. However, keybin files ALWAYS load first time (since they load whilst the Hummy is powered up). Maybe you should try loading a key file using DRS (with Verify ON) to see whether it loads OK. If so, then you and I may have a similar problem

20-04-2007, 04:10 PM
Just tride that 0%done so far comes up on top of dsr9500

20-04-2007, 04:35 PM
I have experienced a faulty COM port on a computer. Can you beg or borrow another PC? If so you can see if that gives the same failures. I assume you do not have a second COM on the original computer?

20-04-2007, 04:37 PM
Tride on two pc not a pc problem as pc wil program cards on elvis

20-04-2007, 04:57 PM
you could try changing the com speed

20-04-2007, 06:43 PM
At work on night shift makeing larger start on humax again tomorow

21-04-2007, 01:50 PM
Com speed changed no change

21-04-2007, 02:01 PM
Looks more & more like a com failure in the Hummy. Might be worth opening it up to see if there is any mechanical failure of the rs232 socket connection to the board (cracked solder joints etc.)

21-04-2007, 02:22 PM
Humax is now open nothing looks wrong but i would not know if it was cleaned withsaftey solvent no diffrence

21-04-2007, 02:45 PM
dry joints can be quite common in most electrical equipment that gets hot!
this part of the humax is right at the other end of the case to the psu (the hottest bit) howver if its stacked up with other quipment it is possible!

to check you will have to strip down the humax and pull the main board out, its not a hard task just take your time.

you will spot dry joints in secconds if you look close, they will look dull and wso not look like they are making correct contact with the board.

21-04-2007, 03:02 PM
Failing that does any one know a repair center i am in northampton but aneywhere will do thanks for all suggestions