View Full Version : If you uploaded the (paid) SW you cannot got back to the other SW(FREE SERVERS)

26-04-2007, 08:29 AM
If you uploaded the (paid) SW you cannot got back to the other SW(FREE SERVERS).

Have not try ed it and not going to if you lose going back to other SW for free servers. If any member have done it with the new SW(PAID) and try going back to other SW(FREE s3rv3r) has it work for you. Let us know about it in this thread

From a other member.
one major drawback seems to be that after having loaded the pay-s3rv3r-soft, you cannot change back to anything else. mitega does not connect, not even with force upgrade nor does any boxloader...****ty situation, really, because the new soft has been knitted with a hot needle, apparently.

Updated 20/11/07

You can change back to the free server SW by using stbloader v1.01.