View Full Version : Pr*miere picture break-up???

26-04-2007, 06:56 PM
Anyone else experiencing picture break-up today on pr*miere channels - mostly happening on pr*miere direct.

Had a few rain showers earlier but clear now and still getting picture break-up. Never had problems before.

(TM1500CI+ Super,1.1m dish - in South West England.)



26-04-2007, 07:00 PM
Same here with the football on saturday

26-04-2007, 07:05 PM
This was mentioned on another forum. i too had this problme last weekend. I retuned the signal and not only did it improve the quality, the break-up went. Not saying thats the answer, but it worked for me.

26-04-2007, 07:30 PM
Watching the golf today picture breakup at 85% quality on my Humax.
perfect picture on D+ golf channel.

26-04-2007, 07:35 PM
My sig quality is 90% when I retuned it was 69%.

26-04-2007, 07:45 PM
I too have this new problem!

How do you "retune" all channels in a bouquet? I have exclusively used a settings file - or manual tuned for a single channel. Is there a quick method for all channels in a bouquet?


26-04-2007, 08:21 PM
I have now re-tuned my TM with pr*miere freqs - have moved the dish around and I am still getting picture break-up with 79% signal quality and 93% signal strength - so weird - as I said previously I have never had problems with pr*miere before. (d+ is rock solid at 85% signal quality - no break-up)


26-04-2007, 08:52 PM
i too have got this problem.
i have been trying to repair the tuner on a spare samsung i have only because the receiver started to go wrong last week.
(maybe nothing wrong with it)???
i replaced it with another samsung which has been fine until today.
i have a dreambox 7000 as my main receiver and now today that is starting to go wrong.
at least i know now that it is not just at my end.

hope it gets right for the footy at w/e.

my signal is 86%

26-04-2007, 09:10 PM
the problem is at the other end, Premiere.

Its just that not all boxes are having break ups. My Galaxis Easy World is working fine, while my Vantage is breaking up terrible.

I found this on an other forum:

Post von P*****

Sehr geehrter Herr *******,

vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail. Sie können die Pr*****e Programme nicht einwandfrei empfangen. Gern helfen wir Ihnen weiter.

Selbstverständlich möchten wir den Ansprüchen an eine hohe Bildqualität gerecht werden. Wir entschuldigen uns ausdrücklich für die Ihnen entstandenen Unannehmlichkeiten.

Bei den von Ihnen beschriebenen Beeinträchtigungen handelt es sich um einen Fehler in der Übertragung des Signals durch unseren Dienstleister. Die zuständigen Stellen arbeiten mit Hochdruck an der Behebung. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch keine Aussage dazu machen können, wann diese Störung vollständig behoben ist. Bitte haben Sie noch ein wenig Geduld.

Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie Pr*****e bald wieder einwandfrei empfangen können.

Viele Grüße aus Hamburg
***** ******

Babelfish translation:

Post office of P *****

Very honoured Mr. *******,

thank you for your E-Mail. They cannot receive the Pr*****e of programs perfectly. Gladly we help you.

Of course we would like to become fair the requirements to a high image quality. We apologize expressly for you developed the incommodities.

During the impairments described by you it acts around an error in the transmission of the signal by our Dienstleister. The competent authorities work with high pressure on the recovery. Please you have understanding for the fact that we can make no statement to the current time still, when this disturbance is completely repaired. Please you have still little patience.

We are pleased, if you can receive Pr*****e again perfectly soon.

Many greetings from Hamburg
***** ******

I am once again stunned by this babelfish translation. But at the moment I am too lazy to translate....


26-04-2007, 10:17 PM
mine does it to, and like said above it is not my setup that is at fault

26-04-2007, 10:50 PM
mine does it to, and like said above it is not my setup that is at fault

hahaha, why so did you make a mess agein to you,r settup :D
here works perfect , dm 7000 s and with keys in dm all is good ;)
signal is at 78% here , but still very good to have picture and no breakups



26-04-2007, 11:32 PM
was hapening to mine,so to cure it i deleted all my channels on 19e and did a rescan of them all ,works a great now ,hope it helps:)

26-04-2007, 11:38 PM
I was having the problem - but it appears much better in the last hour or two. Maybe Premiere have now fixed their problem?


27-04-2007, 11:27 AM
Yeah, the problem seemed to disappear about 11'ish last night for me but this morning I still do get the odd picture break-up but no where near as often as last night.

Hopefully they will correct the problem permanently today.

Thanks for the replies - always good to know you are not alone with a problem - reassuring to know the problem isn’t just at your end :)


27-04-2007, 03:25 PM
i too had picture breakup during the uefa cup last night. Much better now. Must be a problem at their end as i had 90% sig quality.

28-04-2007, 10:56 AM
ask uncle scooby if he can fix it,hahaha:D

yep sorry m8 ,mine to ,but ok now

28-04-2007, 01:17 PM
i have a premiere official sport package card.

during the pool chelski match it was frame freezing every 10 seconds. never done that before

28-04-2007, 04:06 PM
I've noticed that the signal strength momentarily goes to zero when the picture freezes. It could be a problem with the transponder rather than the encryption !

28-04-2007, 08:02 PM
was fine for me today, so think they have fixed it

28-04-2007, 10:00 PM
gov400. what did package cost you. ive been watching epl on premiere instead of digitalb due to poor albanian picture quality.

29-04-2007, 10:01 PM
Just lost everything on Premiere in last ten mins. Showing no signal what so ever. Anyone else had the same?


30-04-2007, 03:21 PM
did not have a problem at all last night - everything OK today as well.

If you still have a problem have you tried a re-scan or tried nudging your dish left and right a bit?


30-04-2007, 06:20 PM
Is the Sat out of range?

30-04-2007, 09:41 PM
Just lost everything on Premiere in last ten mins. Showing no signal what so ever. Anyone else had the same?


I was sitting watching mission impossible 3 when it just went off and "no signal" came up. When i checked the other channels, i realised all channels on the satelite had gone. I switched satellites to check my dish and everything was working fine. Then i went back to Astra and everything except the ****ogue channels were showing no signal. Today i have deleted all channels and done a rescan. Channel count went down from about 700 to 240 mostly ****ogue and fta. Dont understand what has happened.


30-04-2007, 10:24 PM
Hi m8's,
What ever has happened its getting worse by the hour.
I have now lost 95% of my channels across all satellites. It looks like my box or lnb is goosed. What do you think?


01-05-2007, 12:52 PM
I would agree...... what set-up do you have? Is there another box you can borrow to test? That's where I would start. Then I would look at testing your lnb and dish alignment with a sat meter.

Hope you get it sorted!


02-05-2007, 08:05 PM
working fine here in leeds Echostar DVR7000 a few breakup in pic but settle after a while.

03-05-2007, 05:23 AM
picture break up bad. deleted channels and done rescan still the same 1.5m dish so it must be there end.all other channels ok.all the best yorick.

03-05-2007, 06:20 AM
i watched a movie yesterday evening on prem direct and no pic breakup was detected, even tho the signal is like 70% or less , i never had a pic breakup! maybe i was just lucky at that time :D

03-05-2007, 12:37 PM
same er no pic break up at 75%

03-05-2007, 10:11 PM
I would agree...... what set-up do you have? Is there another box you can borrow to test? That's where I would start. Then I would look at testing your lnb and dish alignment with a sat meter.

Hope you get it sorted!


just checked with another box and exactly the same. LNB must be failing.
Its only about 2 years old as well. Last one was 6 years old and still working when i changed it.


03-05-2007, 11:55 PM
its obviously a innefective counter measure that just causes the the decoder or emu to reset, its worse on small dishes.

04-05-2007, 06:23 AM
i find if i set emu i have no problem regds skem4LFC:)