View Full Version : Any Indy Car feeds?

29-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Anybody know of any feeds or other channel apart from S*y who is showing the race tonight live?????:confused:

29-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Hi M8

It is on Premiere Sport on Astra

30-04-2007, 12:26 AM
Yup. For those that have trouble finding it, here are the parameters:

11720 H 27500
Sid 222
Vpid 511
Apid 513 = English

27-05-2007, 10:38 AM
Think this helps anymore
Any other viewable channel?

27-05-2007, 11:37 AM
AB Moteurs (Hotbird 13E) is showing 3 hours of Indy Racing League later this afternoon.

If it is you have to put up with the ****e "oooh la la" commentary.

I have watched it with a web commentary in the past but the sound can lag by ~ 30 seconds (almost a lap on the shorter ovals - most confusing).

Edit1: Yup it is the Indy 500 "Live". Seems to start at 19:00 CET (6pm BST).

27-05-2007, 05:47 PM
This is a live feed from the Indy 500 but we will not know until the start if it is a proper commentary. Even if it is delayed by 30 seconds or so it is still better than the French commentary. Ooooh it has got adverts in the US audio.

h t t p://playlist. y a h o o . com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1565391&segment=186691

[ remove the spaces ]

27-05-2007, 05:58 PM
C+ deporte 30W 12379V 27500 3/4

27-05-2007, 06:00 PM
..... and on C+Deportes on 19E - 10876V / 22000


27-05-2007, 06:04 PM
..... and on C+Deportes on 19E - 10876V / 22000

Does it have an English commentary option?

What is it opening with (encryption type and ID) ?

27-05-2007, 06:10 PM
It is part of D+ (Nagra provider 4101)

Language - Spanish only


27-05-2007, 06:12 PM
Ta m8. The webcast doesn't seem to be delayed by much.

Live timing here: h t t p : / / s c o r i n g . i n d y c a r . c o m / 2 0 0 7 /


27-05-2007, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the timing link :)


27-05-2007, 09:51 PM
and Dad-2 on 15W 11525H 1500 7/8 with english com if the rest of the laps eventually restart.

Now gone to tc/black screen

28-05-2007, 12:07 AM
What a time to lose the feeds.

C+Deportes seem to be showing a bit more now.

I guess the overrun means that new feeds had to be booked.

It is due to be repeated on AB Moteurs Monday evening.