View Full Version : DM500S and 30W

08-05-2007, 10:04 PM
I recently taken the plunge and bought myself a motor.:D

Eventuly got it linged up (correctly I hope) and used 4W as a reference, as I couldn't find 1w at the time.

My problem is this.

I now have found

15W, 5W, 1W, 5E, 7E, 13E, 19E, 28.2E, 39E, 42E

All on a 60cm Dish. :eek:

I am trying to get 30W, but cannot for the life of me get it?? :confused:

Has anyone else with a DM500 had troubles getting this bird? or is the dish too small, or have I not lined up correctly on the arc?
And is there any others I could try for?:)

08-05-2007, 10:07 PM
wow a 60cm gets all that.

I think u need a bigger dish as the 500s has a poor tuner and a big dish will help the signal

08-05-2007, 10:18 PM
Thought as much.

Just got to convince err indoors to put the 1m Dish up now then.

Are there any others I could try for with me small one, and do you think it would matter that I aligned from 4w and not 1w?

08-05-2007, 10:40 PM
On lining the dish up depends on where you are located in the UK.For instance I live on the North Cornwall coast and I have to line my dish on 5west,reason being is that my co-ordinate is 5west.
Tell us where you are located and I can tell you which sat to set your arc on.

08-05-2007, 11:14 PM
Other side of the country.


So I presume I should have a ligned on 1W??

Also for reference does this sound correct 18 Taps of the East/West Movement is about 1degree?

I based this on 108taps to get from 13.03 to 19.2 (hope that makes sense)

I'm just trying to get 16E at the moment, but all it's picked up so far (still scanning) is ***** RTV?? Still another 8mins to go!

08-05-2007, 11:28 PM
It's just finshed scanning 16E, and I only got 2 TV and 1 Radio. Again I guess this os down to the size of the dish.

Only got ***** RTV and TVSH-SAT and 1 Radio Station RADIO TIRANA

09-05-2007, 10:53 AM
Yep you are right mate,you need to set your dish on 1west.I will tell you something though you have made a real good job of setting your motor up, which reflects with the amount of sats you can obtain using a 60cm dish.

To get all the sats in the arc you will be best with a 1metre dish.I myself use a 1metre solid Orbital dish with a Sharp 0.3lnb.Then you will get 16east and even Nilesat@7west.

Setting your 60cm dish on 4west probably means that the dish is to high on the arc to lock onto 30west.


09-05-2007, 04:05 PM
Cheers Jayprince.

SO is it worth setting up again on 1W and trying again.

(and did i do it write in the first place)

What I did was scan in on another box a FTA Channel on 4W.
Then on DM500 I moved the motor to 4W Position and then adjusted the Mounts until I got a signal?

Is this the easiest way, or is there a better way?

Hope that made sense?

09-05-2007, 04:12 PM
Oh and while I'm asking for all this help.... another question has sprung to mind.

If I was to Swap the current dish for a 1m one will I need to re-program all the sats again, or if i'm careful will I just be able to take the pole out the motor (Leaving the motor attached to the wall mount) and then slip the new dish on and fit back to the motor?

09-05-2007, 06:12 PM
Mate,u have got the idea of setting up a motor.
If I was u I would set my dish on Thor@0.8west and tune in your other receiver and then connect ur Dreambox up and scan the Sat.By doing that u should then be able to get all sats on the arc including 30west.
When u get ur 1metre dish all u have to do is leave ur motor on Thor0.8west and then put ur 1metre dish on the motor and set the relevant angle of the dish up or down.By doing that u will find u are blob on the arc.
ATM I reckon by setting ur dish on 4west u are about 3.2 degrees 2 high for 30west.
Once u get ur 1metre dish up and running u will be gobsmacked at the amount of channels u pull in.

10-05-2007, 10:42 AM
Cheers for all your help.

I'll have another go this weekend then, I may even try and sneak the 1m dish up as well.

I don't think she'll notice the difference :eek:

11-05-2007, 12:28 AM
Another Quick question (too make sure I get this spot on)

I'm at 0.5E (According to usals info)

So If I line up on 0.8W would the correct formular be

(0.8W Thor) = -0.8 - 0.5E (0.5) Giving me -1.31 SO is that actualy -1.3degrees (or 1.3 degree's clockwise on the motor)?

I think that's correct anyway.