View Full Version : Server List & Channels

11-05-2007, 03:09 PM
Graham7 posted a brilliant thread on how to use the VisionNet box

But is there a thread or sticky Showing you what servers are available and what satalite and channels u can see on these servers.:D

33FF = Nova ,Art , ect ect

I know sometimes the servers may be down
But it would be good to have a sticky or a post with this info as a rough guide so people can quickly veiw and then move to the appropiate stalaite , or server ect ect.

Has this been done?
if so please pont me to the thread.

If not it would be very usefull to the VisionNet Comunnity
Just a thought for the Mods to ponder and to help us rookies out:D :D

11-05-2007, 03:29 PM
I don't there is an up to date list here, and as things are changing daily, it is unlikely that it would be worth producing one on here.

Personally I recommend that you join the X-vision board as that specialises in VisionNet receivers, and it has a thread about the servers that has 337 pages of information / updates from members as to what is working and what is not.


11-05-2007, 03:37 PM
Thanx Doc , I just registered to Xvision

So is Premiere , D+ , TPS, open. ??

11-05-2007, 03:48 PM
You can get Prem, D+ and Cabo with s/w1.69 or 1.70, but the servers don't connect. You can try s/w like 2.03 which can connect to servers when they are working. Packages like ART, N0va, and Showtime work via c/s and Prem can work with some servers. D+ and Cabo also work with 2.03.


13-05-2007, 10:16 PM
Thanks Doc

What server normally opens Show Time & Prem:D

13-05-2007, 10:25 PM
The latest I have read on X-Vision, is that Showtime is now not supported (apparently the card has been taken out the server).

When it is working, probably 33FF is best.
