View Full Version : Subtitles with Vantage 200 series

12-05-2007, 01:02 PM

I have the problem, that the subtitles are not displayed with my Vantage 221TSCI on Channel4 and five.
The subtitles ARE working on the Swiss channels SF2 and SF1, I tested this yesterday with Harry Potter.
Is this just me? Has anybody working subtitles on a vantage 200er series?

How can that be? Maybe the Swiss are using some different system in transmitting the subtitles?
Does anybody know how this works anyway? I know there is a TXTPID but is there also a somthing like a subtitlePID?
I also believe most of the information is coming from the SID, so maybe there is something wrong there?

Would be great if we could wor this out.


14-05-2007, 11:44 PM
Press the Text button repeatedly until the subtitle appears.

15-05-2007, 08:59 AM
I did, i did. 3 times. First its ODS Teletext, second is VBI Teletext and third is subtitles. I can choose eng, press OK, but no subtitles on the screen.

Wired thing is, its working on the swiss channels, but not on the english.

Is it working for you???

If yes, could you please tell me your configuration, firmware, card in slot or Dragon/Diablo,...

great thanks


19-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Firmware 00040001AOA-1.hdp,using official card in the embedded cam.

19-05-2007, 04:44 PM
is it working without freezers? Mine not. On the freeview channels I still have the freezers with the card in the embedded cam.

Have u tried the subtitles functions?

Please some feedback would be fine.


20-05-2007, 07:07 PM
No freezing at all and Subtitels function working fine.try/select English language in the main menu.

PS-I dont have Sly card.

20-05-2007, 07:12 PM
Well thats interresting.

Some questions:

What box? I have a 221TSCI

What card? I have freeview, blue card, yellow house

Which slot? Top, or bottom?

Which loader?

ON what channels did you try the subtitles function. I tried the freeview 4 and 5.

thanks for an answer.


PS Could you upload the Firmware you are using here, just make sure we have the same?

20-05-2007, 07:20 PM
Subtitles function is working fine on other channels like the swiss I know, and there are no freezers, exept on the freeview channels WITH sly card in the slot.

21-05-2007, 09:29 AM
may I join in
Have you got Teletext working
on freeview
also bug on tv scart
after power off you are
stuck with 12 V on pin 8


21-05-2007, 12:16 PM
I never had any teletext on channel 4 or five. Neiter with the vantage nor with any other box. Speaking of satellite reception, not terristical.

When I go through the "text" button, I get:

1. OSD text.
I can choose the language, depending on the channel and it gives me the standard teletext on channels like ORF, swiss,...

2. VBI text.
I can also choose the language depending on the channel, but noting happens.

3. subtitles.
I can choose between the language available and off. If i choose the language like eng. nothing happens on 4 or five, no subtitles. If I do the same on swiss channels, the subtitles are displayed correct.

4. DVB subtitles
Nothing to choose. Maybe its for subtitles on terristical reception?? I cant check that, because we dont have DVB-T yet.

Didnt recognize the scart bug so far.

09-06-2007, 01:46 PM
can you let me know satellite and freq. thx

09-06-2007, 07:42 PM

I can only check the freeview channels:

Astra 2 28.2 E

Channel 4 12.168V 27.500
five, five life, five US 12.422H 27.500

NO subtitles of any kind are displayed. I double checked several times, many movies/series/news,.... NO subtitles on Vantage, but well working on the DigiBox of course.

On all of those channels, I get freezers when I have the card in the internal slot. Program is clearing 10-15 seconds then it freezes and the message "scrambled program" pops up. Message dissapers a few seconds later, and the program comes back for an other 10-15 seconds. Then its starting all over again......

With the card operating in the Dragon, everything is fine, no freezers.

Subtitles are working neiter with the card in the internal slot, nor in the Dragon.

But subtitles are working on other channels like the Swiss or the french OK by the way.