View Full Version : Yellowish picture

13-05-2007, 11:19 PM
I have a TM1500 and have always noticed the picture is quite yellowish in a lot of scenes. The colours seem a bit off in this way.
Apart from this the picture is rather ropey compared to the sammy as the colours are always slightly off and the detail isnt quite as good.

I know its a budget receiver and has good support but is this normal for a receiver these days.

14-05-2007, 07:37 AM
:confused: Haven't noticed this problem with my 1600. Even the cheapest receivers have a fairly good picture these days - at least when new! Was the quality always below standard and is the problem there on all received channels?

14-05-2007, 09:46 AM
Is this through SCART or the RF output?

14-05-2007, 02:22 PM
not noticed any problems with mine, its via scart

my color adjustment

mode defult
brightness 10
contrast 20
color 25

Tumbling Dice
14-05-2007, 03:28 PM
sometimes if you have stuff near your TV certain makes of speakers ect battery operated stuff ect, it can Interfere with your picture m8


14-05-2007, 05:39 PM
do you have any metal ornaments etc sitting on top of your tv.this could be a factor also

14-05-2007, 06:16 PM
ive had the yellowing before as well. turned machine off at wall and left for a few moments. problem then clears. happened 3 or 4 times (over a long period tho). never sussed what caused it. new file or certain channel?
even the signal strength bar was yellow instead of green. must be something with tm1500

19-06-2007, 02:35 PM
Just make sure it is not the scart not plugged i right or a loose wire in the scart. I have had some strange colour effects as a result of this.

21-06-2007, 08:32 AM
I have a TM1500 and have always noticed the picture is quite yellowish in a lot of scenes. The colours seem a bit off in this way.
Apart from this the picture is rather ropey compared to the sammy as the colours are always slightly off and the detail isnt quite as good.

I know its a budget receiver and has good support but is this normal for a receiver these days.
Set you cntrast level lower on your Tm settings. When you go into Cass settings the over lay is too high & therefore it b***ers up the purity on your TV. The TV should then Degaus it'self over the next few days. It did on mine.

21-06-2007, 09:33 AM
I have a TM1500 and have always noticed the picture is quite yellowish in a lot of scenes. The colours seem a bit off in this way.
Apart from this the picture is rather ropey compared to the sammy as the colours are always slightly off and the detail isnt quite as good.

I know its a budget receiver and has good support but is this normal for a receiver these days.

It's true m8, the picture is a little yellowish, its the very question I asked when I first bought this box, the picture quality was not as good as my original sly box which I got for free. Anyho you can adjust settings to make it a little better, but will never get rid of that yellowness.

21-06-2007, 03:41 PM
i had similar issue with 1000 stb, it didnt like rgb setting tho and the picture was never the same quality as my trusty old Strong srt4400 :P so i resold the 1000stb and now only have fta :as i dont have cas to upgrade me magic(now mrev :P)

24-06-2007, 04:59 PM
My 1500 has started to give a yellowish picture with horizontal black scan lines for the first few minutes. It then corrects it's self. I think it maybe a loose connection or a chip so I may just lift the lid off to have a check.

24-06-2007, 05:46 PM
Get a good quality full wired shielded scart cable, it is the most likely fault. some cheap scarts often have bad joints thats what ive found


24-06-2007, 07:21 PM
Hi tr8 m8 I do use good scart cables but as yet I haven't taken them apart so you may be right. Still it's strange that a couple of us have the same problem. If I find out what is causing it I will repost.

24-06-2007, 07:40 PM
I've had the same trouble with my 5000dapci, most noticable when you go into the menu mode.
As has been mentioned above, unplug it for a few minutes and that clears it.

24-06-2007, 07:46 PM
Give up smoking and give your screen a wash :D


28-06-2007, 11:06 AM
Maybe its the lighting conditions in the studios.
Is there something like white balance on the tuner like on a photo camera.
The yellow could be incandescent lighting which the receiver displays 'properly' where an older receiver like sammy 9500 corrected for.
I noticed on some scenes on the tm9100 there were a lot of yellow looking white people so I assume it must be a truer image of the conditions they were filmed under. Those lighting guys needs some help.

01-07-2007, 10:28 AM
Tr8 and others. I have sorted out the problem and it was scart related. The TV scart and the RS232 plugs are so close together that the TV scart buts up against the RS232 plug ( which is always pluged in ) making a bad connection. So I cut the RS232 plug down allowing the scart plug to sit in the socket squarely.