View Full Version : inoperative hummy; help needed

15-05-2007, 08:02 PM
Hi all,

I have searched this forum already, still I am not sure if I found the right solution.

My hummy has gone nuts after just a one hours break. I switched it off when all worked fine. When switching it on again, I found

1. Correct display of Loader version 2.08
2. Error message rA
3. 3 flashing dots

I tried to upload new channel seetings, but the upload doesn't start.
I have only the possibility to switch the hummy off on the back with the power interruptor, not with the front (standby) button.

Does this mean that my PSU is gone?

Thanks for your help, it is deeply appreciated.


15-05-2007, 08:14 PM
Did you select the right cpom poort on your pc?

15-05-2007, 08:15 PM
Yes, definitely.

It is the same setting I am using since years now.

15-05-2007, 08:31 PM
Turn your humax off at the back then start whatever program you use to upload settings when you get message "waiting for
humax connection" turn on humax at the back and download should start


15-05-2007, 08:33 PM
I've been having this recently as well. Humax seems to become corrupted and I have to reload the settings. It's happened five times in the last week. Usually happens after I've been watching a Premiere channel.

If you've switched the Humax off and on using the power switch at the rear and the settings doesn't start to load then check to see that the com port still works. You ought to be able to extract the keys from the Humax using the Read command on the DSR emu.

15-05-2007, 08:39 PM
Thanks tNT and Prontopro,

I tried to switch off and on again at the back, but no upload is starting.

And, no I am not able to extract keys; even though the DSR software confirms that the humax is connected.

15-05-2007, 08:54 PM
With the humax switched on and the 3 dots flashing turn it off at the back start settings download and then switch it on at the back

This is a lost settings problem if it doesn't start to download then its worth checking your using the correct comport

Don't base the fact your comport is working on DSR emu as it will say connected anyway


16-05-2007, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the advice TNT,

but that's exactly what I tried invane. I simply cannot get a connection to the hummy. Chacked the PSU hardware in the meantime, everything alright!

Now I am really desperate; seems as if I have to have the hardware checked! :mad:

Best regards

16-05-2007, 11:37 AM
try slowing down your com port (to the slowest) and see what happens

16-05-2007, 01:14 PM
Hello Zad,

tried this too, no effect.

16-05-2007, 01:35 PM
i did have a similar problem a while back but fixing it required removing a surface mount component and fitting a new one.

you could try taking out the main board and checking for dry joints first before doing anything drastic!

17-05-2007, 02:58 PM
If still no luck check the 9 pin socket on the back of the hummy to see if there any dry joints or breaks, try another socket on your pc if you are using a serial connection.

load dsr on another computer and see if you can communicate with the hummy, borrow another hummy and see if that works with your system.

21-05-2007, 08:16 AM
Hi to all,

first of all let me thank you for your prompt feedback.
After one weekend of thorough testing I can now state:

The hummy does not communicate with whatever computer (tested on 3 different computers with all available Com-Ports and with slow/fast Baud rate).

The PSU is working fine.

The serial port socket looks just fine, as it shoud be. No dry joints visible.

I think I will have to look for the RS232 controller now.

Cheers Hansmuster

voith driver
21-05-2007, 08:53 PM
hi hansmuster,
try checking your lead, pin to pin, i am assuming you are using a nullmodem lead, for breaks in the lead

22-05-2007, 07:24 AM
Hi to all,

first of all let me thank you for your prompt feedback.
After one weekend of thorough testing I can now state:

The hummy does not communicate with whatever computer (tested on 3 different computers with all available Com-Ports and with slow/fast Baud rate).

The PSU is working fine.

The serial port socket looks just fine, as it should be. No dry joints visible.

I think I will have to look for the RS232 controller now.

Cheers Hansmuster

you could try getting some freeze spray and blast the rs232 processor on the board with it and give the transfer another go, this may make it work for a short time. if it does work or look like its trying to work it would indicate that you do need to changer the controller ic.

as i have said in previous posts surface mount components requires a fair amount of soldering skills to not damage the pcb and the new component.

i would seriously consider every other route before trying this, or book it in to a professional workshop and get some one else to do the job if your not 100% confident

22-05-2007, 09:41 AM
@ voith driver
Thanks for the advice, but we tested it already with different (previiously functioning with other hummys) nullmodem cables

@ zad
thank you too, but I do not believe that cooling the controller will make any difference, as the hummy fails to start rightaway, when it is cold (room temperature). As for the warning about SMT components. I am aware of this, and forunately I do have skilled colleagues on the job.



22-06-2007, 08:31 AM
I have given up and sold the Hummy.

Thank you all forr the help.


22-06-2007, 05:57 PM
had a very similar problem, turned out to be P.S. related.
Although the PS seems ok the various output voltages can fluctuate and cause all sorts of problems.
Those high-temp upgraded supplies you see on E_B ay at £19 or so are the answer.

22-06-2007, 08:08 PM
does anyone know the difference form the upgraded supplies to the standard?
the caps in the standard are rated at 105 degrees so what else could be improved on?

(i know i said i was leaving this section but i just have to know lol)