View Full Version : Just cant get TPS

16-05-2007, 12:26 PM
Hi all,
Are all the channels on 10873 V 27500 the same to AU TPS, or are some better than others? I am trying Equidia with no success.

16-05-2007, 12:59 PM
Espn Classic

16-05-2007, 01:32 PM
Try France 4 and the latest patch.:cool:

16-05-2007, 05:38 PM
Thanks mates,
Tried them both with no luck. Downloaded loader again also latest patch and V2 and latest softcam, still no deal. Am I doing it right? I go to the loader browse for patch connect and download. Then I go to keys browse for latest softcam, connect and download. D+ is ok and everything else works except the AU for TPS. I think I may be jinxed. Might it be that I am not waiting long enough for it to kick in?
Ive just noticed the TP for France 4 is 10.787 V 22.000 on my TM, also none of my 10873 V 27500 channels are active. Is that right?
Many thanks,

16-05-2007, 08:18 PM
Hi M8

10873 V 27500 is the frequency that you need to be on for the AU to work, France 4 or 5 will do, have you tried rescanning the 10873 frequency to see if the channels are somehow missing from your channel list.

To add a frequency do the following:

To Add New Transponder
Press Menu on remote control
Select Installation and press OK
Select Advanced Search press OK
To add new TP press Green button on remote
Select Transponder
Type in new TP Frequency
Select Symbol Rate type in new symbol rate
Select Polarization using right hand arrow key select V or H
Now press Red button to scan for channels on that TP

16-05-2007, 10:00 PM
Thanks Aldo,
Just got in will have a go tomorrow. Should the frequencys be showing programmes?
Cheers mate,

16-05-2007, 11:23 PM
Hi M8

Yes when you scan that frequency and get the channels, after the AU, they will clear, it sometimes takes a little more than the 3 minutes, and remember that the AU has to be done every day. I hope that this works for you and that you get TPS & Multivision channels

16-05-2007, 11:31 PM
Thanks Aldo
But I meant, should the channels used to AU TPS be showing programmes? Because when I go to say, Equidia or Espn classic, they are black and come up with 'Scrambled or bad signal'.
Cheers mate,

16-05-2007, 11:55 PM
No they will be black and will remain so until such time as the AU has completed, then they will be clear.

17-05-2007, 12:12 AM
Thanks for clarifying that mate, Its answered a big question that confused me. Will do as you advised earlier. If that fails I will delete everthing and start a new blind search, because I am still having trouble getting INXT, even though the correct TP I put in still doesn't clear the channel.
Many thanks mate,

17-05-2007, 12:17 AM
but it does not clear for over a minute, then its ok, DM is doing a brilliant job.

17-05-2007, 12:59 AM
Hi TonyO,
I agree about DM. So if it doasnt AU after a couple of minutes, then I should try something else? Because I have left it on all night in the past, and nothing appeared.

nosmo king
20-05-2007, 08:26 PM
remove all CAMS and cards from reciever

because I am still having trouble getting INXT, even though the correct TP I put in still doesn't clear the channel.

10.787 V 22.000 delete transponder this is not hotbird transponder
w w w.en.*********.net/pos-13E.php

h ttp://en.*********.net/pack-tps.php

10.873 V 27.500 delete transponder
then add
10.873 V 27.500 ans scan

22-05-2007, 04:19 PM
Thanks A, mtraveller99, Aldo, TonyO, NOSMO KING
My set up was at fault. Went up on the roof and everything is now working. Sorry for not checking earlier, and messing you about.
Thanks again,

22-05-2007, 04:50 PM

I'm pleased to see that you have finally got it all sorted, happy viewing.