View Full Version : How do I process Newsgroup files...?

16-05-2007, 05:51 PM
:confused: A kind soul has published a thread called 78 tomtom voices for clint in alt.binaries.warez.pocketpc.gps. My e-mail client is Turnpike. Can anybody tell me how to process the thread so I can extract the necessary?

16-05-2007, 06:23 PM
IM busy with work right now - I answer later -- but read this Fred - this get you started - or I can grab and uplink it.


Oi your Connection - you say you have problems when its rainy etc -- when you do your speed tests are you connected to your HUB direct ie CAT-5? As this is the fastest way you can connect -

16-05-2007, 07:33 PM
:D Thanks m8! Will check out Fred! Yup, short patch lead from desktop to hub - at the moment my hub is reporting 256K downstream: I feel a nasty phone call coming on - been like that for 3 days now!

16-05-2007, 08:41 PM
Have downloaded QuickPar and processed the files resulting in two files - news_001.txt.par2 & news_001.txt.vol0+1.PAR2. News_001.txt is the file I exported from my e-mail client. What do I do with these .par files - they are not .rar or .zip files?

16-05-2007, 09:15 PM
Have downloaded QuickPar and processed the files resulting in two files - news_001.txt.par2 & news_001.txt.vol0+1.PAR2. News_001.txt is the file I exported from my e-mail client. What do I do with these .par files - they are not .rar or .zip files?

You have downloaded the Par files those are only needed for repairing incomplete Rars

You also should be using a client that can download binaries otherwise they download as txt files

Easiest thing you can do is download NOMP which is free and simple to use, just click add server and input your details for your server

Then in NOMP go to File > Import NZB and select the NZB in the zip below (unzip it first) then click connect and then your file will start to download

Click Transfer Que tab to see whats going on



16-05-2007, 09:32 PM
:D Thanks for the informative reply! Where did you get the .nzb file from??

16-05-2007, 10:03 PM
Where did you get the .nzb file from??

Check your PM


16-05-2007, 10:25 PM
:D Done and acted upon. Many thanks!!!:cool:

16-05-2007, 10:40 PM
Badger m8 news is the way to go, alt.binaries.warez.pocketpc.gps has maps and voices you can easily fill up your hard drive.:D

17-05-2007, 08:08 AM
:D I know what you mean but you need a stable fast connection which I'm not getting with BT at the moment! I've been gathering ammo for a long phonecall this morning!:mad:

17-05-2007, 10:40 AM
Its the Rain m8 - been raining last few days!

17-05-2007, 11:12 AM
:mad: The speed test at BT says the IP Profile for the line is 135kbps - hardly better than a dial-up - and measures the actual throughput as 96kbps so as soon as I've been to the local recycling facility I'm getting on the blower to them!