View Full Version : Tomtom Speed Cameras U.K. - May 17th

17-05-2007, 08:20 PM
PocketGPSWorld.com Speed Camera Database Version 5.053 17 May 2007
There are a total of 10,920 verified cameras in the database and 1,233 unverified mobile sites (total combined:

12,153). 3,894 Gatso/Monitron/Truvelo/RedSpeed, 5,764 Mobiles, 6 Temporary, 264 Specs and 992 Redlight Cameras.
We have had a total of 21 verified static cameras added this release
Each file covers all of the speed cameras, so only use one of them depending on how much information you want.

The ZONED cameras are split up into different camera groups - Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs & Temp - and then

these groups are split up again into the various different speed limits - 20mph, 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70 - except

for the Redlight cameras.

The CONSOLIDATED cameras are just split up into the different camera groups Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs &

Temp - so just one file for each group.

The SINGLE cameras has only one file which covers all of the cameras.

How to upload the Speed Cameras :-
Extract the contents from whichever file you decide to use, then copy all the .OV2 and .BMP files and paste them

into the map folder on your memory card.

For customised speed camera warning sounds have a look here :-


ALL Cameras :-


18-05-2007, 08:29 AM
Thaaks Russell1

18-05-2007, 10:01 PM
First again thanks

21-05-2007, 08:56 PM
Cheers Matey :D

Ghost Rider
26-05-2007, 03:04 PM
so there is no need to delet the old speed camera files. is that right

26-05-2007, 04:03 PM
Just over write the existing ones;)

26-05-2007, 06:00 PM
As long as you use the same type of camera file :D

The Skipper
27-05-2007, 12:14 AM

Thanks for the database guy :)

I have not long got a TTG910, great piece o kit (even though the maps are not entirely accurate!).

Anyway, I would like to shove this latest Speed DB on to it.
When using the TT and managing POI's, why can't I see the ones already on there? (the ones TT put on). I mean I can scroll down the list and see airports, ferries, car parks , restaurants etc... but no cameras.
I mean I can't see them to adjust the warning distance etc..
Are they hidden or can only be seen using tt on a pc? and more to the point, what happens to them when I add the speedcamera database?, Will I have the instruction read aloud twice when I approach a camera?

A few questions there, hope someone don't mind putting me right :)



27-05-2007, 08:08 AM
Not got a 910 so not 100% sure on this, but I think you would have to download the Tomtom cameras using Tomtom home. Try putting these cameras on & see if you do get two warnings, but I don't think you will.

The Skipper
27-05-2007, 09:45 AM
Not got a 910 so not 100% sure on this, but I think you would have to download the Tomtom cameras using Tomtom home. Try putting these cameras on & see if you do get two warnings, but I don't think you will.

Cheers for the reply Russell1
I can load them on just using explorer, not a problem there. I rather do that cuz Home is s h i t e !!
It is just the double warnings thingy. I think I need to delete the original TomTom ones which are named differently so will not be overwritten by the new files.

My mate has one abd he has done the same so I will give him a ring today and see what he has done. It was a bit late to ring him when I posted the question last night hehe

Will report back when I find out cheers.

Another thing...
I have been messing around with changing some of the warnings of a poi to custom text (eg, cash dispensers, warning is "Some cash nearby if you need some?") but unless I drive past one I can't see any other way of testing the text to speech. I did download the tts engine that they use (from torrents) but it only had Italian voices! Any ideas?

Cheers again.


27-05-2007, 09:59 AM
Yes if there are any original ones on there you might as well get rid of them. Have you made a back up copy yet ? You should do this before you delete or change anything just incase you make any mistakes.

Try this link for checking out your custom warnings -

In the dropdown menu you can select which voice you want to test it with.

The Skipper
27-05-2007, 11:21 AM
Cheers again, Yes a backup was the first thing I done, blimey it took bloody ages! and is quite a few gigs but at least. A dvd with it all on from Tomtom would have been nice, especially as the unit is 300 quid!

Thanks for the lnk :)
