View Full Version : skystar vs technomate

20-05-2007, 12:45 PM
is there any advantage on having a patched technomate 1000d over a sky star 2?

Do you still require to update it as often?

20-05-2007, 01:27 PM
It is not really comparing like for like. The Technomate will drive a TV without the hassle of setting the graphics card etc.

The SkyStar2 is well supported and emus like vPlug get most stuff that is open and public. Both need to have the correct keys either by an AU emu, c@rd sh@ring or manually entering the keys or finding a new key file. This is easy with the SSx as it is only a cut and paste from a web site like Pimps, etc.

Also the SkyStar can save programs to a file for watching later or burning a DVD and with the correct codec it can see 4:2:2 stuff.