View Full Version : TM9100 What A Bargain!!

27-05-2007, 02:08 AM
I have just purchased a TM9100 for £109
errr yep thats Right I repeat £109..:D
I have installed the latest camd's emu's settings and ..what a lovely bit of kit
I must admit iI was a bit weary at such a low price but you have to be in it to win it ...but I think thats just me and the way I think.
So I took the gamble.
Its not the most user friendliest box on the planet as are most Linux boxes but if you grab it by its nuts and tame the little bugger .. you will enjoy this box
Its Linux based ,open sourced you can add a HDD ect ,and has as much potential as the Dream boxes.
You can use most of the same software & tool kits the Dream Box uses and once installed it boosts the TM9100 potential by 50% .
The Tuner is far more sensertive than the Dreambox and lock's on weaker signals better. (good for feeds hehe)
I am sure this box has got a lot more potentail but needs time to grow and software to be seeded and developed.
But for £109 I am am not grumberling because there are alot of STB that are more expensive out there and have not got half the kick this baby has.

:D :D

27-05-2007, 10:32 AM
I did the same yesterday I Ordered one. As you say a great price for this bit of kit, just looking forward to playing with it.

Only problem i have now is 2 motorised dishes, and 4 recievers only one with a integrated positioner and a superjack vbox2 the wife says ive got to cut down on the recievers

echostar ad3600ipva, technomate 1500super & 9100, dreambox 7020, and the one in the loft she cant remember echostar ad3000ipva!!


27-05-2007, 10:50 AM
Hi DaOne,

Are you sure that was £109? I saw where you ordered it from, and the price on their site is £199.


27-05-2007, 11:06 AM
yes it is £109 at the moment look under crazy offers
its realy cheap for what you get


27-05-2007, 11:13 AM
Ah, I see it now. That is really crazy :D

I would say I will buy one, but I already have one ;)


27-05-2007, 03:21 PM
Where can you get it for that price? Best I can see is on Eb*y at £150 plus £15 P&P. That's a pretty good price but I'd rather pay £109 if I can!
At the moment for what I can afford it's either this or the Dreambox 600 pvr.

Does anyone have an opinion?

27-05-2007, 03:46 PM
drpaulos how does the tuner compare to the visionet, my vn8000cis tuner seems very flakey signal drops out for no reason fine on the same dish etc with two other stbs.

27-05-2007, 03:49 PM
It is about the same, I find both have a good tuner. I don't get signal dropouts, except with my Innovative.


27-05-2007, 11:51 PM
Is it OK to ask about the software and tools that would be used on this box?
I understand it's a Linux box, which means it is programmable and can probably be made to do some interesting things. I also know you need a certain amount of computer knowledge to get the most out of it.
A while ago I fitted a mod chip into an Xbox, installed a large hard drive and put different software (XBMC) on it. Would you say that this is similar to the kind of thing you have to do with these boxes?
My current receiver is a Samsung DSR9500, and I have been messing around with different EMU software for years.

Please can someone explain what this box is capable of, if you are prepared to spend some time on it?

I am sure others will find the information useful too, if they are wondering whether to buy this new box....

28-05-2007, 12:32 AM
Where can you get it for that price? Best I can see is on Eb*y at £150 plus £15 P&P. That's a pretty good price but I'd rather pay £109 if I can!

questions like that are not allowed on here m8

only the sponsors can be discussed , no other retailer and no auction sites either


Is it OK to ask about the software and tools that would be used on this box?
I understand it's a Linux box, which means it is programmable and can probably be made to do some interesting things. I also know you need a certain amount of computer knowledge to get the most out of it.

Please can someone explain what this box is capable of, if you are prepared to spend some time on it?


yes you can discuss technical details etc

28-05-2007, 02:37 AM
Is it OK to ask about the software and tools that would be used on this box?
I understand it's a Linux box, which means it is programmable and can probably be made to do some interesting things. I also know you need a certain amount of computer knowledge to get the most out of it.
A while ago I fitted a mod chip into an Xbox, installed a large hard drive and put different software (XBMC) on it. Would you say that this is similar to the kind of thing you have to do with these boxes?
My current receiver is a Samsung DSR9500, and I have been messing around with different EMU software for years.

Please can someone explain what this box is capable of, if you are prepared to spend some time on it?

I am sure others will find the information useful too, if they are wondering whether to buy this new box....

This box offers everything ur sammy does + pvr,Do cs ( hush hush ), streaming to pc, updated keys direct to box, modify skins, add channel lists.
At £109 its a bargain and i will be ordering soon as i wish to use it as a secondary box.

Mate its not at all hard to use. I was told before i got my dream that i would have to know linux well and spend alot of time working out how to use it. fuc* all of that. Straight outta box, flash with image flasher, 2 clicks u have an image on the box. Next u download the emus. Usually done with 2 presses of a button if ur router is plugged into the box. Done 1 hour up and running. U will learn quickly as time goes on with this box. As its linux open source it will always have new software availible for it and will not go outdated. Even the 5+ years old dreambox 5620 is still updated to this day.

28-05-2007, 11:29 AM
can a harddrive just be plugged in, update software and off u go ?.:)

28-05-2007, 07:29 PM
what cable is required?
straight threw or cross over cable?

28-05-2007, 07:34 PM
depends what you are plugging it into , same as with all lan connections

28-05-2007, 07:42 PM
depends what you are plugging it into , same as with all lan connections

cable dsl modem.

im currently running a vn8000cis

28-05-2007, 08:06 PM
straight cable into a router , crossover cable into a pc

thats what I would think

28-05-2007, 08:20 PM
That is correct echelon.

Hi satmo, you can use the same cable as with the VN (I do) :)


28-05-2007, 09:21 PM
Sorry for my previous question about the best supplier for the box... :redface:
I will make sure I read all the rules next time.
Thank you all for your responses - I will be buying in the near future.
If no one beats me to it, I will try and write my own 'howto' do***ent describing how to set it up, get it networked, add a hard drive and download the best software.
Anyone feel like starting a 'sticky' on that subject? I am sure newbies would find it very helpful!

28-05-2007, 10:07 PM
Howto are always welcome.:)

28-05-2007, 11:10 PM
best supplier is a certain dark man!

28-05-2007, 11:17 PM
best supplier is a certain dark man!

Denzel Washington :D

Did not know he sold Technomates. :rolleyes:

Hollywood can't be paying him enough. :eek:

Anyone that can use Google can find at least 2 suppliers selling TM-9100 for £109

29-05-2007, 01:24 AM
I was going to buy a new cam, but having looked at this receiver i may well invest in one, just a couple of questions.

Can i put a normal hardrive staright in to this box, and also what channels would be available just by patching the box.


29-05-2007, 09:00 AM
yes any hd up to 1 tg (terra gig) same as most other patched recievers that give all public emus,but its not realy a patch is a image on linux based products. It will also have the option of the extra bits that can come on the linux based machines if you connect them to the net


29-05-2007, 11:08 AM

29-05-2007, 05:21 PM
blooming heck this looks fantastic!

i do fancy one i must say, i have been toying with the idea of geting a dreambox latley but this is a fantastic box at a fantastic offer price.

just not very well supported at the moment so i think i shall wait for a few month to see what happens

29-05-2007, 06:30 PM
put my order in yesterday £109 for a new toy like that cant go wrong
got a dm7000 at moment but get lots signal dropout on some sats
I hope the sharp tuner will do a better job than the dm 7000 one

irc 5400
1 m dish & motor
lots of ice scrapers & cams


29-05-2007, 06:55 PM
shame goldwafers could not put this offer on, i would much rather buy from them!!!!!

29-05-2007, 07:33 PM
well bullet is bitten!

there is one on the way to me!!!!
hope its a good choice over the dreambox! (looks like it should be)
well to wait and see!

29-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Yep, few days thinking and then one for me also coming...and also something else after saving money :D :D.....

30-05-2007, 11:49 AM
Ive ordered mine now just need to get rid of one of my other receivers now to make space.

Ive got an old technomate 5500 cip which i only really use to move my 36v motor and a humax hdci2000.:confused:

Will the 9100 operate a 36v motor?#


30-05-2007, 11:57 AM
I think you would need a vbox m8 , as few receivers nowadays are compatible with a 36v motor

most are now diseqc


The TM-9100 is a PVR ready Satellite Receiver that uses a Sharp tuner which is both sensitive and fast, having a low-threshold which enables it to find and capture weak signals.
The booting of the TM-9100 is very fast, taking less than 11 seconds from power OFF. In Standby Mode, when the TM-9100 is turned ON, the booting is instantaneous, taking less than a second.
The TM-9100 can be updated via memory card by the 9in1 card reader, being able to upload and download (backup) data, view photos, play music, etc. This can be used simultaneously with the Hard Drive.
It has a built-in fan which is not noisy and is only active when the hard drive overheats.
The TM-9100 is based on Enigma open source and is capable of: Tuxbox project, Telnet, world-class box


* Fully DVB compliant
* Linux open source ; Standard Linux API
* Getting various Linux applications
* 252MHz IBM PowerPC Processor (350MIPS)
* Internal Hard Drive (HDD) support for PVR
* Multi-Slot Flash Memory Card: SD, Olympus, Memory Stick, MMC, Smart Media Card etc. supported
* 10/100M Ethernet interface
* 2x Smart card slots
* S/PDIF interface (Optical & Coaxial) for Dolby bit stream out
* Sharp Tuner (2~45 Msps, SCPC scan)
* 1x Common Interface (CI) slot
* Firmware/Software upgrade through: Serial (RS232C), Memory Card, Ethernet & Internet
* Unlimited TV/Radio channel storage
* Very quick channel change time ; < 1 second
* Support multiple LNB switching control (DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1 & 1.2)
* Full automatic satellite/service scan
* Smart Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
* OSD & VBI Teletext
* Variable aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9)
* 24 OSD Language menu
* Programmable event timer
* Subtitle
* Parental Control
* C & Ku band reception
* Video Out: RGB, CVBS, S-Video & YPbPr selectable on it

30-05-2007, 12:07 PM
cheers mate, it looks like ill be getting rid of my humax then, can you just put any standard hardrive into the 9100?


30-05-2007, 12:09 PM
yes , any ata or pata standard ide hard drive , up to 1tb , and I believe the 5400 rpm ones are better as they are quieter

you cannot use sata drives

30-05-2007, 12:11 PM
thanks for the quick response its well apreciated mate.


31-05-2007, 12:56 PM
can this box do BLIND SCANS?

31-05-2007, 12:59 PM
and does it have an rf channel out ? (21 to 69)

or can it only be connected by rgb , composite and ypbr ?


* Video Out: RGB, CVBS, S-Video & YPbPr

31-05-2007, 01:25 PM
It has rf in and rf out.

31-05-2007, 01:28 PM
It has rf in and rf out.

thanks for that useful info , but it wasnt what I asked ;)

some boxes that have rf in and rf out dont have an actual rf channel out

so basically I am asking if it has an rf channel out that you can change between 21 and 69 , like on the tm1500 or on the samsung 9500 etc

31-05-2007, 01:50 PM
It has a uhf modulator that is preset at 36, you do have a menu in setup to alter it if you so desire.

31-05-2007, 02:34 PM
can this box do BLIND SCANS?


31-05-2007, 03:06 PM
I have ordered one,very happy,must be one of the most written about stb,s at the mo,got the sat scene buzzing again.

31-05-2007, 03:18 PM
the drop in price makes me think there could be a new technomate coming out soon a hd one maybe??? probably wishful thinking still I got a 9100 coming


31-05-2007, 03:29 PM
hey for the price its at, i can live without hd!!!!

after all there aint that many true hd channels anyways

31-05-2007, 08:59 PM
It has a uhf modulator that is preset at 36, you do have a menu in setup to alter it if you so desire.

sorry to be sounded so dumb, but this uhf modulator thingy allows you to tune FTA channels?:confused:

31-05-2007, 09:03 PM
no , its to tune in on @nalogue tv , like you would with bbc and itv etc usimg your aerial

31-05-2007, 09:33 PM
oh good - thanks echelon, so can the modulator be used in europe? I am asking this cos i do recall reading somewhere that they have different frequency/TV system?

31-05-2007, 10:14 PM
that would be in the pal or secam settings , so it depends on the menu , but most boxes nowadays allow these settings to be altered

does anyone know what size sd card would be good ?

16 mb ?
256 mb ?
1 gig ?

31-05-2007, 10:39 PM
As this box runs Engima can it used with G*ox for cs. If so I might replace my Dreambox 500

Thanks in Advance.:D

31-05-2007, 10:56 PM
Gbox is ok to make the card readers work:D
CCcam better? Works also.

31-05-2007, 11:02 PM
Thanks Quibath I am using G*ox on my Dreambox 500. Now I am extremly tempted. A Hard Drive receiver for a bargain price.:)

01-06-2007, 05:23 AM
the drop in price makes me think there could be a new technomate coming out soon a hd one maybe??? probably wishful thinking still I got a 9100 coming

I think they were not selling so the crashed the price.
I ordered one so lets see:D

01-06-2007, 06:22 AM
that would be in the pal or secam settings , so it depends on the menu , but most boxes nowadays allow these settings to be altered

does anyone know what size sd card would be good ?

16 mb ?
256 mb ?
1 gig ?

just used an old 16 meg one from a camera last night to get juliet 5 on and it worked a charm

01-06-2007, 07:15 AM
If you use an SD card to update the 9100 remember to put all files that are unzipped in the root of the card ---- not in a folder.

01-06-2007, 09:44 AM
ive just been searching for channels and it says seraching for satalites,so do all of the 9100,s have these spelling mistakes?

Also it keeps on freezing in the startup menu, i hope i have not bought a dud?

any advice chelseaboy

01-06-2007, 11:09 AM
ive just been searching for channels and it says seraching for satalites,so do all of the 9100,s have these spelling mistakes?

Also it keeps on freezing in the startup menu, i hope i have not bought a dud?

any advice chelseaboy

Have you installed the 05 origanal image then the juliet 06 image and the ur06
Then use the captains channel settings in the dreambox forum & install them with the dreambox edit 2.02
Should work ok:D
Well thats how mine is set up !

01-06-2007, 11:17 AM
@DaOne thanks m8, got my box this morning wont be able to play until after weekend. Looks pretty good tho. setup instructions always handy!

01-06-2007, 11:17 AM
WTF first 05, then 06 and then UR06
Lol looks crappy to set up a new box:eek:
Mines comes only next week

01-06-2007, 12:01 PM
has anyone tested the tm9100 remote control on a tm1500 or 1000 or 1600 ?

or has anyone tested the tm1500 remote on the tm9100 ?

in other words , does one operate anything on the other ?

I ask this as I would prefer it if they didnt work on each other , which is why my samsung 9500 and tm1500 work so well as neither operates any functions on the other one

thanks for any replies

01-06-2007, 12:12 PM
I do believe they do not interfere with each other.

01-06-2007, 01:01 PM
WTF first 05, then 06 and then UR06
Lol looks crappy to set up a new box:eek:
Mines comes only next week

i think ur06 is a different type of image to the juliet images

its not that bad to get up and running to be honest, i had the box installed plugged in powered up and juliet 6 installed within the hour. however i am having some issues sussing out how to organise the channels and how to manually load the emu's

01-06-2007, 01:05 PM
Be nice to hear some more first impressions when peeps start receiving theirs as I'm seriously considering buying one as
my humax has just bitten the dust :rolleyes:

Was holding out for a HD receiver dreambox or relook but I think I'll be on a zimerframe buy the time that happens !


01-06-2007, 01:15 PM
well my first impression is its fantastic.
it looks the part
very fast
ain't crashed once (yet)
and it seems fairly simple going since this box is very new and as yet has not much support.
does not do anything more than any other box on the market but i think its going to take over from the dreambox simply because of its price and most of the dreambox tools work on it.

plenty skins and other toys to make it feel like your own and it seems like its going to have a huge following ant at the price its being sold at at the moment its well worth it

01-06-2007, 01:22 PM
just load cc cam 1.71 it works with cards, cams... and get connected .
I dont have this yet but I had no problems with DB 7020 WHICH IS JUST 1 DAY OLD.
Tonight I shall kill it

01-06-2007, 01:26 PM
just load cc cam 1.71 it works with cards, cams... and get connected .
I dont have this yet but I had no problems with DB 7020 WHICH IS JUST 1 DAY OLD.
Tonight I shall kill it

will do once i find out where the files are ment to go in order to make it work lol

01-06-2007, 02:25 PM
WTF first 05, then 06 and then UR06
Lol looks crappy to set up a new box:eek:
Mines comes only next week

Sorry A
My spelling mistake what I meant was To download emulators, etc, download the URL File ...( NOT THE UR06) :D
Then copy to VAR > JULIET

You have to go to each section of the Blue Panel twice for the URL to be recognised, for example, go to Cams, exit and go back to Cams. The emus can now be downloaded.

Remember, after downloading keys, you have to reactivate the emu

:D :D

01-06-2007, 02:41 PM
okay next week then:D

01-06-2007, 03:17 PM
managed to sor the juliet file thing out they went straight on and it was quite simple to do, scanned for channels and cannot believe how many channels it as picked up.

Just need to sort the loading of images, can that be done with a memory card?

im going for a beer now(thirsty work this is) anyway cheers for the help lads.

thanks again chelseaboy

01-06-2007, 03:21 PM
will do once i find out where the files are ment to go in order to make it work lol

If its the same as the dreambox then this might help ;)


01-06-2007, 03:26 PM
If its the same as the dreambox then this might help ;)


sorted, chers mate.

there are some differances but i think ive got it sorted now.
will have a go when i get home from work

01-06-2007, 08:11 PM
i got mine this afternoon, set it up no problems but time will tell, if it works like the dream 7000 then i will be happy, remote is cheap but works fine with all the main image functions on key buttons, works fine also has a record and play setup like a video remote but it does feel cheep.
hard drive is a breeze to install and then just format it, done.
not to sure if the pic quality is as good dream but we will see. but all in all at this time seems a dam good all-round receiver. oh and updateing firmware is easy useing sd card. hope this helps.:)

02-06-2007, 12:18 AM
side by side pic quality looks the same for me on a 52" bravia

Pic quality all depends on the satellite signal and how good the Tv to reciever connection is.

9100 dont crash for me on any Juliet images. Only the 7020s crashes on a few gemini newer images and all Nabilosat ones.

Im very happy with the 9100 as it gets all the fringe frequencies on my gibertini 1.25

02-06-2007, 06:43 AM
just crashed it last night trying to install the tps autoupdater!
had to do a hard reset and start from scratch!

06-06-2007, 04:56 PM
The TPS autoupdater will crash the 9100 everytime, should be regarded as not compatible for now

06-06-2007, 08:33 PM
Thanks Quibath I am using G*ox on my Dreambox 500. Now I am extremly tempted. A Hard Drive receiver for a bargain price.:)

Very tempted also.....

Does anyone know if the gb*x cwshare file will work just the same as my db500s?? Or does it need editing?
